After upgrading Kafka from v2.0.0 to v3.0.0, TiCDC reports an error when recreating Kafka tasks: [CDC:ErrKafkaNewSaramaProducer] new sarama producer: [CDC:ErrKafkaNewSaramaProducer] new sarama producer: EOF

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Original topic: kafka版本从v2.0.0升级到v3.0.0后,ticdc重新创建kafka任务时,报错:[CDC:ErrKafkaNewSaramaProducer]new sarama producer: [CDC:ErrKafkaNewSaramaProducer]new sarama producer: EOF

| username: vcdog

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production Environment
【TiDB Version】V5.4.0
【Reproduction Path】Upgraded Kafka version from v2.0.0 to v3.0.0
【Encountered Problem: Phenomenon and Impact】
After upgrading Kafka version from v2.0.0 to v3.0.0, an error occurs when recreating the Kafka task in ticdc: [CDC:ErrKafkaNewSaramaProducer]new sarama producer: [CDC:ErrKafkaNewSaramaProducer]new sarama producer: EOF

tiup cdc cli changefeed create --pd=http://10.3.x.196:2379 --sink-uri=“kafka://172.17.xx.106:9092,172.17.xx.107:9092,172.17.xx.108:9092/charge?protocol=canal-json&replication-factor=3” --changefeed-id=“kafka-to-tianjin-pro-01” --config=“./kafka-to-tianjin-pro-01.toml” --start-ts=‘439291916880707592’ tiup is checking updates for component cdc …

Starting component cdc: /root/.tiup/components/cdc/v5.4.0/cdc /root/.tiup/components/cdc/v5.4.0/cdc cli changefeed create --pd=http://10.3.x.196:2379 --sink-uri=kafka://172.17.xx.106:9092,172.17.xx.107:9092,172.17.xx.108:9092/charge?protocol=canal-json&replication-factor=3 --changefeed-id=kafka-to-tianjin-pro-01 --config=./kafka-to-tianjin-pro-01.toml --start-ts=439291916880707592
[2023/02/08 14:46:28.116 +08:00] [WARN] [cli_changefeed_create.go:207] [“Attempting to replicate without old value enabled. CDC will enable old value and continue.”] [protocol=canal-json]
Error: [CDC:ErrKafkaNewSaramaProducer]new sarama producer: [CDC:ErrKafkaNewSaramaProducer]new sarama producer: EOF
cdc cli changefeed create [flags]

-c, --changefeed-id string Replication task (changefeed) ID
–config string Path of the configuration file
–cyclic-filter-replica-ids uints (Experimental) Cyclic replication filter replica ID of changefeed (default )
–cyclic-replica-id uint (Experimental) Cyclic replication replica ID of changefeed
–cyclic-sync-ddl (Experimental) Cyclic replication sync DDL of changefeed (default true)
–disable-gc-check Disable GC safe point check
-h, --help help for create
–no-confirm Don’t ask user whether to ignore ineligible table
–opts key=value Extra options, in the key=value format
–sink-uri string sink uri
–sort-engine string sort engine used for data sort (default “unified”)
–start-ts uint Start ts of changefeed
–sync-interval duration (Experimental) Set the interval for syncpoint in replication(default 10min) (default 10m0s)
–sync-point (Experimental) Set and Record syncpoint in replication(default off)
–target-ts uint Target ts of changefeed
–tz string timezone used when checking sink uri (changefeed timezone is determined by cdc server) (default “SYSTEM”)

Global Flags:
–ca string CA certificate path for TLS connection
–cert string Certificate path for TLS connection
-i, --interact Run cdc cli with readline
–key string Private key path for TLS connection
–log-level string log level (etc: debug|info|warn|error) (default “warn”)
–pd string PD address, use ‘,’ to separate multiple PDs (default “”)

[CDC:ErrKafkaNewSaramaProducer]new sarama producer: [CDC:ErrKafkaNewSaramaProducer]new sarama producer: EOF
【Resource Configuration】
【Attachments: Screenshots/Logs/Monitoring】

Previously, when the Kafka version was v2.0.0, everything was normal. After upgrading Kafka to version v3.0.0, it stopped working. Experts, please help diagnose, thank you!

| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

What is the exact version number of Kafka? 3.x.x?

| username: vcdog | Original post link

1.0.1+kafka3.1.1, I don’t know what the actual Kafka version corresponds to. The versions given by the developers were 3.0.0 and 3.1.0, and I tried both. When starting and creating tasks, the same error still occurs.

| username: vcdog | Original post link

Case closed. The developers have switched to a new Kafka version. Specify kafka-version=3.0.0 when creating.

| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

The highest supported Kafka version for the 5.4.0 - 6.1.0 series is 3.1.0, so using 3.1.1 might cause issues.

The highest supported Kafka version for the 6.5.0 version is 3.2.0.

First, confirm the exact version number you are using, or upgrade to 6.5.0 to see if the issue persists.

| username: system | Original post link

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