This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: 请问tiup如何关闭外网访问呢?

How can I disable external network access for tiup?
This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: 请问tiup如何关闭外网访问呢?
How can I disable external network access for tiup?
What do you mean? What external network? Is it a virtual machine set up on your local machine? Just turn off the external network of the virtual machine.
Follow these steps to switch to a local source:
On the official download page, select the corresponding version of the TiDB server offline image package (which includes the TiUP offline component package). You need to download both the TiDB-community-server package and the TiDB-community-toolkit package.
Extract and merge the offline images:
tar xzvf tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xf tidb-community-toolkit-${version}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
ls -ld tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64 tidb-community-toolkit-${version}-linux-amd64
cd tidb-community-server-${version}-linux-amd64/
cp -rp keys ~/.tiup/
tiup mirror merge ../tidb-community-toolkit-${version}-linux-amd64
tiup mirror set
After installation, enable the firewall to block connections to external networks.
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