How to evaluate performance and what information to print to ensure data accuracy when using TPC-C testing

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Original topic: 用tpcc测试时,怎么看性能效果和打印什么信息才能确认校验的数据是准确的

| username: TiDBer_光影

【TiDB Usage Environment】Testing
【TiDB Version】V7.5.0
You can verify data correctness using the command tiup bench tpcc -H -P 4000 -D tpcc --warehouses 4 check.

| username: dba远航 | Original post link

This is a self Q&A.

| username: TiDBer_光影 | Original post link

It means, after entering the above command, what information should be printed to be considered normal?

| username: 哈喽沃德 | Original post link

Under the same hardware conditions, the data volume needs to be large; if it’s too small, the differences won’t be noticeable.