Is there a plan to provide documentation explaining the metrics for components such as TiDB, PD, TiKV, and TiFlash?

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 请问有支持tidb/pd/tikv/tiflash等组件的metrics解释文档的计划吗?

| username: DBRE

For the metrics of TiDB/PD/TiKV/TiFlash components collected by Prometheus as mentioned above, is there any documentation explaining the meaning of each metric?

For example, like this one:

| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

I’m not sure if this is the content you need~

| username: DBRE | Original post link

This is just an explanation of the metrics displayed by Grafana (data sourced from Prometheus), which is far less than the metrics provided by each component. Is there a more detailed and comprehensive explanation document?

| username: Jiawei | Original post link

Generally, there isn’t one, but if you use curl to fetch the metrics, there is help information available. You can basically understand it through the English annotations.

| username: DBRE | Original post link

If there is no detailed documentation, this is the only way.