The cluster has been successfully scaled down, but starting the cluster prompts a kv error. After checking the kv logs, it requested a scaled-down pd node

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 集群已经缩容成功,但是启动集群提示kv报错,看了kv的日志,请求了一个缩容的pd节点

| username: tianjun

[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment
[TiDB Version] v7.1.0
[Reproduction Path] Cluster Startup
[Encountered Problem: Problem Phenomenon and Impact]
The cluster has been successfully scaled down, but when starting the cluster, it prompts a kv error. After checking the kv logs, it requested a scaled-down pd node. Checking the cluster status shows that this node does not exist.

[root@localhost ~]# tiup cluster start sjtidb
tiup is checking updates for component cluster …
Starting component cluster: /root/.tiup/components/cluster/v1.13.1/tiup-cluster start sjtidb
Starting cluster sjtidb…

  • [ Serial ] - SSHKeySet: privateKey=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/sjtidb/ssh/id_rsa, publicKey=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/sjtidb/ssh/
  • [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=root, host=
  • [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=root, host=
  • [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=root, host=
  • [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=root, host=
  • [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=root, host=
  • [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=root, host=
  • [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=root, host=
  • [ Serial ] - StartCluster
    Starting component pd
    Starting instance
    Starting instance
    Start instance success
    Start instance success
    Starting component tikv
    Starting instance
    Starting instance

Error: failed to start tikv: failed to start: tikv-20160.service, please check the instance’s log(/tidb-deploy/tikv-20160/log) for more detail.: timed out waiting for port 20160 to be started after 2m0s

Verbose debug logs have been written to /root/.tiup/logs/tiup-cluster-debug-2023-11-01-11-28-54.log.

[2023/11/01 11:26:53.044 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“Welcome to TiKV”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.045 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“Release Version: 7.1.0”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.045 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“Edition: Community”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.045 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“Git Commit Hash: 0c34464e386940a60f2a2ce279a4ef18c9c6c45b”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.045 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“Git Commit Branch: heads/refs/tags/v7.1.0”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.045 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“UTC Build Time: Unknown (env var does not exist when building)”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.045 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“Rust Version: rustc 1.67.0-nightly (96ddd32c4 2022-11-14)”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.045 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“Enable Features: pprof-fp jemalloc mem-profiling portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine cloud-aws cloud-gcp cloud-azure”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.046 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“Profile: dist_release”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.046 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“cgroup quota: memory=Some(9223372036854771712), cpu=None, cores={13, 14, 5, 3, 15, 9, 2, 0, 4, 12, 1, 11, 7, 6, 8, 10}”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.046 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“memory limit in bytes: 33547878400, cpu cores quota: 16”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.046 +08:00] [WARN] [] [“environment variable TZ is missing, using /etc/localtime”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.046 +08:00] [WARN] [] [“check: kernel”] [err=“kernel parameters net.core.somaxconn got 128, expect 32768”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.046 +08:00] [WARN] [] [“check: kernel”] [err=“kernel parameters net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies got 1, expect 0”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.046 +08:00] [WARN] [] [“check: kernel”] [err=“kernel parameters vm.swappiness got 30, expect 0”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.057 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“connecting to PD endpoint”] [endpoints=]
[2023/11/01 11:26:53.060 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“TCP_USER_TIMEOUT is available. TCP_USER_TIMEOUT will be used thereafter”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:55.061 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“PD failed to respond”] [err=“Grpc(RpcFailure(RpcStatus { code: 4-DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, message: "Deadline Exceeded", details: }))”] [endpoints=]
[2023/11/01 11:26:55.061 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“connecting to PD endpoint”] [endpoints=]
[2023/11/01 11:26:55.062 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“subchannel 0x7f39f364f000 {address=ipv4:, args=grpc.client_channel_factory=0x7f39f36979b0, grpc.default_authority=, grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms=1000, grpc.internal.subchannel_pool=0x7f39f36389a0, grpc.keepalive_time_ms=10000, grpc.keepalive_timeout_ms=3000, grpc.max_receive_message_length=-1, grpc.max_reconnect_backoff_ms=5000, grpc.max_send_message_length=-1, grpc.primary_user_agent=grpc-rust/0.10.4, grpc.resource_quota=0x7f39f36b5cc0, grpc.server_uri=dns:///}: connect failed: {"created":"@1698809215.062233286","description":"Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused","errno":111,"file":"/rust/registry/src/","file_line":200,"os_error":"Connection refused","syscall":"connect","target_address":"ipv4:"}”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:55.062 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“subchannel 0x7f39f364f000 {address=ipv4:, args=grpc.client_channel_factory=0x7f39f36979b0, grpc.default_authority=, grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms=1000, grpc.internal.subchannel_pool=0x7f39f36389a0, grpc.keepalive_time_ms=10000, grpc.keepalive_timeout_ms=3000, grpc.max_receive_message_length=-1, grpc.max_reconnect_backoff_ms=5000, grpc.max_send_message_length=-1, grpc.primary_user_agent=grpc-rust/0.10.4, grpc.resource_quota=0x7f39f36b5cc0, grpc.server_uri=dns:///}: Retry in 999 milliseconds”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:55.062 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“PD failed to respond”] [err=“Grpc(RpcFailure(RpcStatus { code: 14-UNAVAILABLE, message: "failed to connect to all addresses", details: }))”] [endpoints=]
[2023/11/01 11:26:55.062 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“connecting to PD endpoint”] [endpoints=]
[2023/11/01 11:26:55.063 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“subchannel 0x7f39f364f400 {address=ipv4:, args=grpc.client_channel_factory=0x7f39f36979b0, grpc.default_authority=, grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms=1000, grpc.internal.subchannel_pool=0x7f39f36389a0, grpc.keepalive_time_ms=10000, grpc.keepalive_timeout_ms=3000, grpc.max_receive_message_length=-1, grpc.max_reconnect_backoff_ms=5000, grpc.max_send_message_length=-1, grpc.primary_user_agent=grpc-rust/0.10.4, grpc.resource_quota=0x7f39f36b5cc0, grpc.server_uri=dns:///}: connect failed: {"created":"@1698809215.063200446","description":"Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused","errno":111,"file":"/rust/registry/src/","file_line":200,"os_error":"Connection refused","syscall":"connect","target_address":"ipv4:"}”]
[2023/11/01 11:26:55.063 +08:00] [INFO] [] [“subchannel 0x7f39f364f400 {address=ipv4:, args=grpc.client_channel_factory=0x7f39f36979b0, grpc.default_authority=, grpc.initial_reconnect_backoff_ms=1000, grpc.internal.subchannel_pool=0x7f39f36389a0, grpc.keepalive_time_ms=10000, grpc.keepalive_timeout_ms=3000, grpc.max_receive_message_length=-1, grpc.max_reconnect_backoff_ms=5000, grpc.max_send_message_length=-1, grpc.primary_user_agent=grpc-rust/0.10.4, grpc.resource_quota=0x7f39f36b5cc0, grpc.server_uri=dns:///}: Retry in 1000 milliseconds”]

[Resource Configuration] Enter TiDB Dashboard - Cluster Info - Hosts and take a screenshot of this page
[Attachments: Screenshots/Logs/Monitoring]

| username: zhanggame1 | Original post link

Start TiDB by first starting PD, then check the PD logs.

| username: tianjun | Original post link

How to start it individually? Isn’t the cluster supposed to start together?

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

How did you scale down? You scaled down both PD and TiKV to 2 nodes? Why is the entire cluster down?

| username: Fly-bird | Original post link

Scaling down needs to be done one by one, not in batches.

| username: 像风一样的男子 | Original post link

I’m curious how you managed to reduce the kv to 2? Normally, it wouldn’t succeed.

| username: zhanggame1 | Original post link

Of course not together, there is a sequence.

| username: Jolyne | Original post link

The startup sequence is PD-TiKV-TiDB.
To start a single node, use tiup cluster start <cluster_name> -R .

| username: TiDBer_小阿飞 | Original post link

You can start any node individually by type and port number
tiup cluster start [flags]


Start the cluster in a secure manner. It is recommended to use this option when starting the cluster for the first time. This method will automatically generate the password for the TiDB root user at startup and return the password in the command line interface.

-N, --node (strings, default is , meaning all nodes)

Specify the nodes to start. If not specified, it means all nodes. The value of this option is a comma-separated list of node IDs, where the node ID is the first column of the cluster status table.

-R, --role (strings, default is , meaning all roles)

Specify the roles to start. If not specified, it means all roles. The value of this option is a comma-separated list of node roles, where the roles are the second column of the cluster status table.