The dm-worker pauses synchronization when syncing upstream MySQL DDL, but the query-status result appears normal

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Original topic: dm-worker在同步上游mysql的DDL时同步暂停,但query-status结果却正常

| username: Zhang_Zhi

[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment
[TiDB Version]
Tidb version: 4.0.11
dm version: 2.0.1
[Encountered Problem: Problem Phenomenon and Impact]
The upstream MySQL executed an ALTER TABLE xxxx ENGINE = innodb operation to reclaim table space using the pt tool.
The dm-worker hung while synchronizing data, but the query-status showed normal status, resulting in no alarm being triggered.
The dm-worker.log reported the following error:

[2023/12/06 10:35:14.295 +08:00] [ERROR] [subtask.go:310] [“unit process error”] [subtask=online_internal] [unit=Sync] [“error information”=“{"ErrCode":44006,"ErrClass":"schema-tracker","ErrScope":"internal","ErrLevel":"high","Message":"startLocation: [position: (mysql-bin.002974, 927069247), gtid-set: ], endLocation: [position: (mysql-bin.002974, 927069510), gtid-set: ]: cannot track DDL: ALTER TABLE xxxx_db.xxxx_table ENGINE = innodb","RawCause":"[ddl:8200]This type of ALTER TABLE is currently unsupported"}”]

query-status result

Subsequent Recovery:

The task was restarted using stop-task and start-task, and it automatically recovered after more than 5 minutes.

Recovery log as follows:
[2023/12/06 10:35:14.295 +08:00] [ERROR] [subtask.go:310] [“unit process error”] [subtask=online_internal] [unit=Sync] [“error information”=“{"ErrCode":44006,"ErrClass":"schema-tracker","ErrScope":"internal","ErrLevel":"high","Message":"startLocation: [position: (mysql-bin.002974, 927069247), gtid-set: ], endLocation: [position: (mysql-bin.002974, 927069510), gtid-set: ]: cannot track DDL: ALTER TABLE xxxx_db.xxxx_table ENGINE = innodb","RawCause":"[ddl:8200]This type of ALTER TABLE is currently unsupported"}”]
[2023/12/06 10:35:17.913 +08:00] [INFO] [worker.go:270] [“auto_resume sub task”] [component=“worker controller”] [task=online_internal]
[2023/12/06 10:35:17.914 +08:00] [INFO] [subtask.go:497] [“resume with unit”] [subtask=online_internal] [unit=Sync]
[2023/12/06 10:35:17.914 +08:00] [INFO] [task_checker.go:400] [“dispatch auto resume task”] [component=“task checker”] [task=online_internal]
[2023/12/06 10:35:18.326 +08:00] [INFO] [syncer.go:1132] [“replicate binlog from checkpoint”] [task=online_internal] [unit=“binlog replication”] [checkpoint="position: (mysql-bin.002974, 927069087), gtid-set: "]
[2023/12/06 10:35:18.328 +08:00] [INFO] [streamer_controller.go:71] [“last slave connection”] [task=online_internal] [unit=“binlog replication”] [“connection ID”=1671785]
[2023/12/06 10:35:18.328 +08:00] [INFO] [mode.go:100] [“change count”] [task=online_internal] [unit=“binlog replication”] [“previous count”=0] [“new count”=0]
[2023/12/06 10:35:18.328 +08:00] [INFO] [mode.go:100] [“change count”] [task=online_internal] [unit=“binlog replication”] [“previous count”=0] [“new count”=1]

During the synchronization interruption, the dm-worker_stdout.log log was as follows

The red box indicates the logs after recovery.

Is there any optimization or solution for this situation in subsequent versions?

| username: xfworld | Original post link

ALTER TABLE is not supported, the interruption is normal. In DM, you can configure to skip certain events. Refer here:

The new version will have updates, but there will still be limitations. Refer here:

| username: Zhang_Zhi | Original post link

However, the query-status still shows as running :joy:, which caused our alert not to trigger, quite embarrassing.
We will definitely avoid such operations in the upstream database in the future.

| username: 有猫万事足 | Original post link

The version is a bit too old. The key issue is that if TiDB cannot be upgraded, just upgrading DM won’t be very effective. So, if upgrading is not an option, the only solution is to find a way to bypass it.

| username: dba远航 | Original post link

It is caused by version incompatibility. You should be able to set it to skip certain syntax, right?

| username: system | Original post link

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