This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: 个人中心中的积分和经验的值不一样。请问这两个有啥区别?

The points and experience values in the personal center are different. What is the difference between these two?
This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: 个人中心中的积分和经验的值不一样。请问这两个有啥区别?
The points and experience values in the personal center are different. What is the difference between these two?
Points can be used to redeem exam vouchers and community merchandise.
Experience points can be understood as the score of an account’s level in the community; the higher the experience points, the higher the level.
Redeeming exam vouchers and community merchandise will consume points but not experience points.
If you post spam, the community will have relevant punitive measures, and experience points may be deducted at that time.
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