This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: TiDB新增自定义promtheus 配置文件alertmanger的地址
TiDB adds a custom Prometheus configuration file for the Alertmanager address.
As many companies scale up their clusters, they consider using a single Alertmanager for alerts. Managing multiple Alertmanagers is inconvenient. However, if you manually modify the original TiDB cluster Prometheus configuration file to push alerts to a single Alertmanager, it works temporarily, but any changes to the cluster, such as adding nodes, will overwrite and lose the Prometheus configuration file.
Therefore, we hope the official support allows us to customize the global variable Alertmanager address in Prometheus.
I understand that implementing this shouldn’t be very difficult, as it only requires passing a configuration to the Prometheus file.
However, it can solve the pain points for many companies using multiple clusters.