【TiDBer Chat Session 70】2n+1: Do You Want This Blessing?

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Original topic: 【TiDBer 唠嗑茶话会 70】2n+1:这福气给你要不要?

| username: TiDB社区小助手

Recently, the unemployment rate has shown to be as high as 20%, and the term “unemployment” has gradually become a hot topic of discussion. As a result, the severance packages offered by various companies have also become a popular topic. For example, the recent “LinkedIn” severance package includes: 2N+1 months bonus + 1 month previous month’s bonus + 1 month notice period bonus. The “2N+3” package configuration has once again become a focal point of discussion.

:thinking: So, this time we want to ask all TiDBers, if you were offered “2N+1”, would you immediately resign?
(PS: This topic is for discussion purposes only. We still hope all TiDBers have successful careers and smooth work!)

This Topic:

If you were offered “2N+1”, would you immediately resign?

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| username: db_user | Original post link

I have already started packing. When will 2N+1 arrive? :joy:

| username: coderv | Original post link

Leave immediately

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

I have already arrived home, where can I get 2N+1~

| username: xfworld | Original post link

I’ve already experienced N + 2, probably won’t have that luck again…

| username: 秋季番Oo | Original post link

As long as it follows the labor law with N+1, there’s no need to mention 2N+3 :rofl:

| username: TiDBer_pFFcXLgY | Original post link

Keep a record of overtime, and make sure to get the overtime pay back.

| username: 春风十里 | Original post link


| username: 半瓶醋仙 | Original post link

This is the kind of treatment only foreign companies offer; generally, private enterprises don’t provide this. But once you receive 2n+1, you should leave.

| username: TiDBer_m6V1BalM | Original post link

If I give you “2N+1”, will you resign immediately? I’m already on my way home, hahaha!!!

| username: 孙晨航11 | Original post link

2N+1 will definitely leave immediately, but this only exists in dreams. Many times, even N+1 is very difficult.

| username: DBRE | Original post link

What are you waiting for? Don’t save it for the New Year.

| username: zhimadi | Original post link

Can someone explain what 2n+1, n+1, and the minimum legal standard are?

| username: 天蓝色的小九 | Original post link

Withdraw immediately.

| username: ealam_小羽 | Original post link

If it’s time to leave, then leave.

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

If they are willing to give, then we are willing to leave.

| username: Jellybean | Original post link

In the long run, once the proposal is put forward, the decision-making power is no longer in one’s own hands.

| username: 我是咖啡哥 | Original post link

Is N the contract salary or the actual salary? :rofl:

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

Must want

| username: tomxu | Original post link

Posting for the sake of posting.