Print the binary file path of the specified component:
Executing tiup -B/--binary <component> will print the path of the latest stable version of the installed <component> component. If the <component> component is not installed, an error will be reported.
Executing tiup -B/--binary <component>:<version> will print the path of the installed <component> component’s <version> version. If that version is not installed, an error will be reported.
I did an experiment, and it actually reported an error…
~$ tiup --version
1.11.0 tiup
Go Version: go1.19
Git Ref: v1.11.0
GitHash: 1a4714d7146fa85240a1ff4ef7451df719e0b4f0
~$ tiup --binary tiflash:v6.0.0
~$ tiup --binary tidb:v6.0.0
~$ tiup -B tidb:v6.0.0
tiup is checking updates for component -B ...timeout!
The component `-B` version is not installed; downloading from repository.
The component `-B` not found (may be deleted from repository); skipped
The issue has been reported. If you know how to submit a PR, you can go ahead and submit one. If you don’t know how, just wait for the engineers to submit it.