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The TiDB Community Wisdom Collection Event has ended! We sincerely invite all TiDBers to vote for the best wisdom collection in your heart from this event!
The TiDBer who receives the most votes for the most helpful [TiDB Community Wisdom Collection] will win a 2023 Ti Industrial Style Mechanical Keyboard!
Voting deadline: December 22, 2023, 12:00 PM
Collection One: [Fault Cases & Solutions] High IO/Memory/CPU
From @Billmay表妹
High IO/Memory/CPU - Column Articles
Contributor: @chendapao
Hidden esc pit: jbd2 process IO usage is extremely high, system long-term IO usage 100% 1
Contributor: @Ann_ann
Contributor: @18515065291
TiDB Monitoring Prometheus Disk Memory Issue 1
Contributor: @luzizhou
Investigating High Memory Usage in TiDB Cluster TiKV Nodes
Locating and Investigating Memory Leaks: Heap Profiling Principle Analysis 1
Contributor: @hey-hoho
Investigating High Memory Usage in TiKV Nodes under x86 and ARM Hybrid Deployment Architecture
Contributor: @mydb
Case of High TiDB Server CPU Due to a Large Number of SET autocommit 1
Contributor: @苏州刘三枪
High TiDB CPU Usage Part One: Scheduler Worker CPU
Contributor: @TiDBer_guanguanglei
Several Cases of High Memory Usage in tidb-v5.2.3 1
Contributor: @navyaijm2017
High IO/Memory/CPU - Technical Q&A
High Memory Usage Issue in dm worker 1
Tidb4.0.11 cdc high memory usage causing oom
High CPU and IO in tikv node OOM investigation 1
High memory usage in 5.4.0 queries
TiDB Server’s periodic disk IO and CPU spikes causing overall downtime
grafana TIDB panel cpu usage high
High CPU usage after upgrading DM to v2.0.7
Continuous memory rise in TiDB nodes causing automatic restart
tikv memory exceeding block-cache setting
High memory spike and crash in DM due to frequent DDL rollback checkpoint
TiKV server’s available memory suddenly increased from 6G to 200G. Does TiKV clean memory by itself?
High memory usage in tikv nodes
Can high memory usage in TIKV be controlled
Memory overflow OOM due to complex query execution
Memory spike in tidb node due to admin check table
Memory exceeded threshold during single SQL execution 1
High memory usage in tikv nodes
High memory usage in tikv service
High load in tikv nodes, recovery after restart, cause analysis
Memory spike in tidb-server service
Frequent memory usage of 99.9% in tidb_server and pd
High CPU spike in tikv after version upgrade causing slow read/write
High memory and CPU spike during select count(*) on a large table 1
Sudden CPU and memory spike in tidb nodes
Collection Two: [Fault Cases & Solutions] Installation and Deployment Practices and Issues Collection
From @Kongdom
Official Documentation
Common Issues in TiDB Installation and Deployment
Column Articles
Contributor: @buptzhoutian
Must-read for SSH Errors During Deployment Installation
Contributor: @OnTheRoad
Deployment Practice of TiDB v6.1.0 and TiUniManager in openEuler 22.03
Contributor: @mao_siyu
TiKV Cluster Deployment Precautions
Contributor: @pepezzzz
Deployment and Common Issues of TiDB in IPv6 K8S and Physical Machine Environment
Contributor: @DBA_尹裕皓
Experimental Process of Installing and Deploying TiDB Cluster Using TiUP
Contributor: @TiDBer_小阿飞
TiDB Practice Installation and Performance Testing (Part 1) TiDB Practice Installation and Performance Testing (Part 2)
Contributor: @JiekeXu
Nanny-level Installation Manual for Distributed Database TiDB 6.0 Cluster
Contributor: @随缘天空
A Complete Setup Process of TiDB v7.1 Version in Production Environment
Contributor: @啦啦啦啦啦
Practice of Mixed Deployment of TiDB Cluster in Production Environment
Contributor: @TiDBer_CQ
Contributor: @caiyfc
Best Practices for Deploying TiDBv5.1.2 in Production Environment on Kylin v10
Community Q&A
tidb installation and deployment
Installation error resource snapshot.json not found
How to optimize the topology file during tidb v7.1.0 installation and deployment
Dashboard shows failed to send requests to Prometheus after completing tidb v7.1.2 installation
Does TIDB support deployment on openEuler 22.03 version
Error during v7.2 deployment, unable to install successfully
Newbie cluster installation error
Error deploying tidb-dashboard v6.5.0 on k8s
Newbie installation error Failed to parse topology file ./topo.yaml (topology.parse_failed)
Installation error, user switch error prompt
tidb deployment numa allocation
Exception during potential risk check in cluster installation using TIUP
Unable to open Dashboard in tidb single machine cluster deployment on win11 system wsl environment
Failed to install and deploy TiDB on WSL2
Deploying tidb on linux virtual machine
Prompt for password when logging in with mysql client after first installation of 7.4.0
Installation deployment single machine cluster, init failed
Newbie installation error open /root/.tiup/bin/root.json: no such file or directory
Collection Three: [Fault Cases & Solutions] Inaccurate Execution Plan/Error/Cache/Index/Not Using Tiflash Issues
From @Billmay表妹
Inaccurate Execution Plan/Error/Cache/Index/Not Using Tiflash Issues - Column Articles
Contributor: @h5n1
Using SPM to Fix Execution Plan
Contributor: @army
Contributor: @社区小助手转发
Contributor: @BraveChen
SQL Tuning Case Sharing Based on TiDB Execution Plan
Contributor: @HHHHHHULK
SQL Executed Normally in MySQL Slowed Down in TiDB
Contributor: @tracy0984
Handling Process of a TiDB Database Error
Contributor: @18515065291
TiDB Optimization Worth Hundreds of Thousands 3
Contributor: @hey-hoho
TiDB SQL Tuning Case to Avoid TiFlash Causing Trouble
Contributor: @CuteRay
TiDB SQL Tuning Practice - Index Issues
Contributor: @ealam_小羽
A Slow Query Due to Multi-table Join Order - TiDB Join Characteristics
Inaccurate Execution Plan/Error/Cache/Index/Not Using Tiflash Issues - Technical Q&A
Inaccurate execution plan issue in tidb, not using tiflash, forcing tiflash is much faster
Question about order by limit in tidb execution plan 1
Large execution time difference in execution plan 1
Specified INL_JOIN, but execution plan does not follow 1
Incorrect execution plan in TiDB 5.4 version causing long SQL execution time
Incorrect execution plan display
Execution plan - index not used despite being created
Execution plan not using tiflash in tidb-6.1.0
Why does not(isnull( appear in execution plan?
Different execution plans when autocommit is off or in explicit transaction
SQL execution plan using wrong index
Unstable execution plan in tidb
Different execution plans for the same SQL in different tidb instances
Inaccurate execution plan phenomenon
select for update not hitting index, even with FORCE INDEX
Error [9012] [HY000]: TiFlash server timeout
Unreasonable execution plan for not in subquery
jdbc batch insert execution plan cache not effective
Different execution plans for the same SQL in different tidb-server instances
Inaccurate Execution Plan/Error/Cache/Index/Not Using Tiflash Issues - Official Documentation
Prepare Statement Execution Plan Cache 1
Execution Plans for Other Types of Queries
High Latency Due to Incorrect TiDB Execution Plan
Overview of TiDB Execution Plan
[Identifying Slow Queries Due to Execution Plan Changes](慢查询日志 | PingCAP 文档中心