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Original topic: auto_analyze执行的时候,会对业务造成影响,生产环境上,有没有比较好的实践配置
[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment
[TiDB Version] v5.4
[Reproduction Path] Trigger auto analyze
[Encountered Problem: Phenomenon and Impact]
DML blocking, slow query and insertion, causing the business system’s database connection pool to be full and slow response.
[Resource Configuration]
[Attachments: Screenshots/Logs/Monitoring]
After this issue occurs, the execution plan of the SQL shows stats:pseudo. Is it necessary to manually collect statistics for all tables to resolve it?
This means that the statistical information is inaccurate.
Sure, you can analyze it during non-peak business hours.
There is a parameter that can be turned off.
I think we can enable fast statistics collection with tidb_enable_fast_analyze
and increase the data modification threshold tidb_auto_analyze_ratio
before collecting statistics. Additionally, for those large tables, we can deploy manual tasks (during non-business hours, with small sample collection).
I encountered a similar issue with version V5.*. Has version V6 alleviated this problem? For example, is the analyze process faster and less costly?
Then just use fast analyze, but this thing isn’t that accurate.
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