Abnormal Increase in Network Traffic Between TiDB and TiKV

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: tidb和tikv之间网络流量异常增加

| username: TiDBer_YWUUd8jz

[Test Environment for TiDB] Testing
[TiDB Version] 5.4.0
[Reproduction Path]
[Encountered Issue: Abnormal increase in network traffic between TiDB and TiKV, TiDB error log as follows

The traffic in the test environment is very low, but suddenly one night the traffic spiked abnormally. By using iftop, it was found that TiKV was sending network traffic to TiDB, with a maximum amount of 700M, occurring every 5 minutes. Since the traffic in the test environment is very small, almost non-existent, and no clues were found in the TiKV and PD logs, the TiDB log is as shown in the image. Please help explain, thank you.

| username: 江湖故人 | Original post link

Take a look at the expensive query and slow query, it should be caused by the join query.

| username: 江湖故人 | Original post link

Can you export some monitoring data of TiDB and TiKV for review?
Exporting Grafana Monitoring Data as Snapshots | PingCAP Documentation Center

| username: Jellybean | Original post link

The increase in network traffic is most likely due to a large amount of data being transferred between the computing layer and the storage layer. You can focus on investigating the SQL access situation of the cluster at that time.

Use the Dashboard to analyze query statements and check the system heatmap to view read/write hotspots. Analyze the currently accessed databases, tables, and regions to confirm the business.

| username: dba远航 | Original post link

From the prompt, it seems that there were large DML statements causing the issue. Check the SQL at that point in time.

| username: wangccsy | Original post link

Is there a large number of query operations?

| username: zhanggame1 | Original post link

Has Grafana been deployed? You can check the network monitoring section on the tidb-cluster-node_exporter page.

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

This is generally caused by TiDB executing large SQL statements.

| username: 小龙虾爱大龙虾 | Original post link

Use the TOP SQL feature to locate the issue, it is generally caused by SQL.

| username: andone | Original post link

Is it a large transaction or a large result query again?