Add a Primary Entry for TiDB-Related Tools on the Documentation Navigation Page

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Original topic: 文档导航页增加 TiDB 相关工具一级入口

| username: MyronWang

New Documentation Request, please provide feedback according to the template below:

  • Request Type: Documentation Navigation Page Optimization
  • Request Background:
    PingCAP now has many products and tools, especially TiDB tools such as DM, TiDB Operator, etc. Every time we need to access the homepage of these tools, we have to first enter the TiDB documentation, then expand it step by step, and then jump to the corresponding documentation homepage. The hierarchy is too deep, making it troublesome to find.

    Of course, you can also directly search for the corresponding tool, but in the returned results, the “homepage” may not appear or may not be the first result item. Especially for “newcomers,” they usually look through the entire document outline, which is a function provided by the homepage; searching is obviously a feature friendly to “veterans.”
    Therefore, I hope to add entrances to various tools on the documentation navigation page. In the future, you only need to open the navigation page to enter the place you want to go.
  • Expected components or functions to be added to the existing documentation and their positions

    After the revision last Friday, I think it’s great. This suggestion is to hope to add relevant tool entrances on the “Documentation” - “PingCAP Documentation Center” page (of course, it can be planned for future expansion)

Modification Suggestions:

As shown above, a dedicated section can be added to display the TiDB tool entrances (essentially, it’s a navigation page)


This is a display area for all open-source products under the Apache Foundation. Although it looks low, the idea can be borrowed.

| username: hfxsd | Original post link

Thank you very much for your suggestion! We have added a Tools section on the homepage of the TiDB documentation, listing all the commonly used tools, which is very convenient for users to reference. Relevant link: TiDB Introduction | PingCAP Docs

| username: MyronWang | Original post link

Got it, didn’t notice before. :grinning:

| username: hfxsd | Original post link

So this requirement has been resolved, right?
Thank you~~ Feel free to give us any feedback in the future.

| username: MyronWang | Original post link

I have no issues using it on my end. However, I personally suggest doing it on the navigation page at PingCAP 文档中心 | PingCAP 文档中心. After all, this page is specifically designed for “navigation,” and the top menu “TiDB Documentation” on the official website PingCAP 官网 - TiDB 分布式数据库专家 also redirects to this link. The top menu “Documentation” on the community site also redirects to this link. If this page is available on the “navigation page,” it undoubtedly reduces the access levels and improves the user experience.

| username: hfxsd | Original post link

Makes sense. Let’s make the adjustments and go live as soon as possible.

| username: MyronWang | Original post link

Thank you for accepting:handshake:

Friendly reminder: I remember that when it was initially designed, “TiDB Tools” was categorized under the TiDB documentation because these tools serve TiDB and are considered peripheral tools. Now, if we want to unify them under the “Navigation Page” (PingCAP 文档中心 | PingCAP 文档中心), we might need to consider this issue, as it could involve “page layout.”
From the user’s perspective, these peripheral tools are independent product lines and don’t need to be distinguished; from the product’s perspective, they have a “subordinate” relationship and depend on TiDB to exist.

| username: MyronWang | Original post link

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