After upgrading to 6.5.3, CDC cannot synchronize data to downstream

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Original topic: 升级6.5.3后cdc无法向下游同步数据

| username: xmlianfeng

[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment
[TiDB Version] v6.5.3
[Reproduction Path] Upgraded from 6.1.5 to 6.5.3
[Encountered Problem]
After the upgrade, the CDC synchronization to downstream Kafka tasks got stuck. There are about 150 tasks and around 1300 tables being synchronized. I checked the Sink write rows and there are none… How should I troubleshoot this?

cdc-log.txt (5.6 MB)

| username: redgame | Original post link

The log contains unsupported data types or type conversion issues, which may be caused by data format incompatibility or programming errors.

| username: LingJin | Original post link

unsupported type comes from logging when an object has a callback that zap cannot recognize, which should not be related to the stalling issue.”

| username: nongfushanquan | Original post link

Has it recovered now? I see a lot of [CDC:ErrPDBatchLoadRegions] pd batch load regions failed: receive Regions with no peer: messages in the logs. It looks like there was an error in the region information returned from PD.

| username: Anna | Original post link

Take a look at this: 上游tidb 读写量很大的时候,ticdc任务卡住了,必须重启才能恢复 - #14,来自 lxzkenney - TiDB 的问答社区

| username: system | Original post link

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