This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: altermanager 启动失败
[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment / Testing / Poc
[TiDB Version] tidbv6.1.6
[Reproduction Path] What operations were performed that caused the issue
[Encountered Issue: Problem Phenomenon and Impact]
[Resource Configuration] Go to TiDB Dashboard - Cluster Info - Hosts and take a screenshot of this page
[Attachments: Screenshots/Logs/Monitoring]
Previously, everything was normal after installing version 5.4.3. After destroying and reinstalling version 6.1.6, the deployment was completed, but during startup, altermanager reported an error:
level=error ts=2023-06-02T09:05:46.887083191Z caller=main.go:165 msg=“unable to initialize gossip mesh” err=“create memberlist: Failed to get final advertise address: No private IP address found, and explicit IP not provided”
level=info ts=2023-06-02T09:06:02.134395268Z caller=main.go:140 msg=“Starting Alertmanager” version=“(version=0.17.0, branch=HEAD, revision=c7551cd75c414dc81df027f691e2eb21d4fd85b2)”
level=info ts=2023-06-02T09:06:02.134455824Z caller=main.go:141 build_context=“(go=go1.12.4, user=root@932a86a52b76, date=20190503-09:10:07)”
level=warn ts=2023-06-02T09:06:02.135132647Z caller=cluster.go:154 component=cluster err=“couldn’t deduce an advertise address: no private IP found, explicit advertise addr not provided”
level=error ts=2023-06-02T09:06:02.135965329Z caller=main.go:165 msg=“unable to initialize gossip mesh” err=“create memberlist: Failed to get final advertise address: No private IP address found, and explicit IP not provided”