tidb_stmt_summary_max_stmt_count controls the number of SQL types saved in the Statement Summary system table. When the number of SQL types exceeds this value, the SQL that has not appeared recently will be removed.
For example, if there are 10 types of SQL and your tidb_stmt_summary_max_stmt_count is set to 3, the remaining 7 types will be counted in “others.”
The execution counts of these 7 types will also be aggregated together. So from a long-tail perspective, this should comply with the 80/20 rule. Having 80% of the statistics in “others” is quite normal. These execution counts will definitely not be small.
For system optimization, you should not be distracted by these SQL statements that do not have issues.
This SQL is very specific and related to your business. If it doesn’t meet your expectations, you can ask your developers. I can’t determine whether it needs to be executed so many times.
Asking the developers to check the code might also be related to scheduled tasks within the business code, which are executed periodically multiple times.