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Original topic: 大家一般tidb大版本发行到几个小版本才选择用到生产
[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment / Testing / PoC
[TiDB Version]
[Reproduction Path] Generally, how many minor versions after a major TiDB release do people choose to use it in production?
[Encountered Issues: Problem Symptoms and Impact]
It is generally recommended to use the latest minor version of the relatively new major version.
At least 3, and the latest version is still only deployed in the test environment
Consider using the new version six months after its release, but it is not recommended to immediately upgrade for critical business. It is only recommended for trial with new business.
Thank you for the response. Do you have production versions 7.1.x or v7.5.x?
Which version are you currently using?
Does your company have version 7 or above? Could you provide a reference for the specific versions involved?
Currently, we are still using version 6.5. Generally, we don’t upgrade unless there are critical flaws or particularly needed new features. The main focus for a database is stability.
7.+ hasn’t been released yet. The latest version is 6.5.8, but the main version in use is 5.4.
Using version 5, we generally don’t change the version once it’s selected, unless there’s a need for specific features or bug fixes, then we consider upgrading. If the company is just starting to use TiDB, it’s recommended to go directly with version 6.5+.
Is there currently a version 8.0 of MySQL?
After MySQL 5.7 reaches EOL, are you considering upgrading to 8.0? Is TiDB compatibility with 8.0 under consideration?
Is there a MySQL version 8.0+?
If the business volume reaches a certain level, TiDB should be used instead of MySQL.
Generally, older versions are used. Previously, we used version 5.4.3, and recently we upgraded to 6.5.8. We haven’t used version 7 yet. If you are considering migrating from MySQL to TiDB, first consider whether your business volume has reached a certain level. For small data volumes, single-machine MySQL performs better than TiDB. Don’t migrate just for the sake of migrating.
We are not using version 8.0+ in production for the time being.
My business database is MySQL, and the summary database is TiDB. After MySQL 5.7 EOL, the compatible version of AWS Aurora RDS MySQL 5.7 has a lifecycle. Considering that the business database has already been upgraded, I’m afraid that not upgrading the summary database might bring unknown impacts.
Just follow the LTS for TiDB, like 5.4, 6.5, etc.
I think it will take at least version 7.5 or later.
The relatively new LTS versions are v7.5, v7.1, and v6.5.
Typically, production environments do not choose the latest v7.5 version, but considering all factors, v7.1 can be considered.
For testing environments, it is recommended to use the latest v7.5.