[Awards Announcement] The Winners of the Third TiDB Community Column Essay Contest Are Out! Submission Volume Exceeds 270% Compared to the Second Contest, with Numerous High-Quality Articles Competing!

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Original topic: 【奖项公布】TiDB 社区第三届专栏征文大赛获奖名单出炉!同比第二届征文大赛投稿量超过 270%,超多超高质量文章一起角逐!

| username: TiDB社区小助手

I am very happy to see that many TiDB enthusiasts participated in the third TiDB Community Column Essay Contest. More and more TiDBers are trying to share TiDB, their own and their company’s team’s usage of TiDB, their experiences with pitfalls, their experiences and benefits of using new versions, the latest technical explorations of TiDB, and so on, producing many high-quality articles. After three months of fierce competition among the participants and professional reviews by the column contest jury, the third TiDB Community Column Essay Contest has come to a successful conclusion! Congratulations to all the TiDBers who achieved good results! I also sincerely thank every TiDB community technical evangelist who wrote articles :heart:. Each article embodies your hard work and wisdom, conveys valuable experience, and reflects the spirit of altruism. Once again, I salute all the evangelists who actively participated in this column essay contest. It is your enthusiasm and efforts that make the TiDB community family more vibrant and help more TiDBers to improve and move forward together!

Data from the Third Column Essay Contest

From March 1, 2024, to May 30, 2024, we received a total of 125 articles from 61 TiDBers.

Collection of Articles from the Third Column Essay Contest

Community Nickname Article Topic Article Link Likes Views Favorites
@ylldty TIKV Distributed Transactions - Pessimistic Lock 专栏 - TIKV 分布式事务--悲观锁 | TiDB 社区 4 141 4
@像风一样的男子 TIDB Full + Real-time Incremental Backup (Restoring Database to a Specified Point in Time) 专栏 - TIDB全量+实时增量备份(实现恢复数据库到指定时间点) | TiDB 社区 1 202 2
@Edwin Creating Disaster Recovery and Failover with TiCDC 专栏 - 基于 TiCDC 创建灾备和容灾切换 | TiDB 社区 8 184 7
@ylldty TIKV Source Code Study Notes - Distributed Transaction Interface Prewrite 专栏 - TIKV 源码学习笔记--分布式事务接口 Prewrite | TiDB 社区 2 158 1
@ShawnYan [My Story with the TiDB Community] My Story with the TiDB Column 专栏 - 【我和 TiDB 社区的故事】我与 TiDB 专栏的故事 | TiDB 社区 0 40 0
@Aunt-Shirly Principles and Common Issues of GC (Physical Space Reclamation) within TiKV Components 专栏 - TiKV 组件内 GC(物理空间回收)原理及常见问题 | TiDB 社区 4 213 4
@WalterWj Notes on Unplanned Failover with DRAutoSync in Version 7.1 专栏 - 7.1 版本 DRAutoSync 非计划内切换小记 | TiDB 社区 0 36 0
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 Understanding TiDB’s Backup and Restore Capabilities in One Article 专栏 - 一文了解TiDB的备份与恢复能力 | TiDB 社区 1 137 1
@paulli Practical Use of TiDB Binlog Function 专栏 - TiDB Binlog功能使用实践 | TiDB 社区 1 98 1
@tidb菜鸟一只 Records of Two Database Migrations (mysql→tidb, tidb→tidb) 专栏 - 两次数据库迁移记录(mysql→tidb,tidb→tidb) | TiDB 社区 0 80 0
@longzhuquan Recovering Deleted Data in TiDB 专栏 - TiDB误删数据恢复 | TiDB 社区 3 178 3
@WalterWj Handling TiDB MVCC Issues 专栏 - TiDB MVCC 问题处理 | TiDB 社区 1 69 1
@longzhuquan Analyzing Slow Query Logs in TiDB 专栏 - TiDB 慢查询日志分析 | TiDB 社区 9 266 9
@ylldty TIKV Source Code Study Notes - Distributed Transaction Interface Commit/Rollback 专栏 - TIKV 源码学习笔记--分布式事务接口 Commit/Rollback | TiDB 社区 2 79 2
@ylldty TIKV Source Code Study Notes - Distributed Transaction Interface CheckTxnStatus/ResolveLock 专栏 - TIKV 源码学习笔记--分布式事务接口 CheckTxnStatus/ ResolveLock | TiDB 社区 2 52 1
@tidb菜鸟一只 Investigating a Region is Unavailable Issue 专栏 - 记录一次Region is Unavailable问题的排查 | TiDB 社区 1 88 1
@ylldty Overview of TIKV BatchSystem 专栏 - TIKV BatchSystem 概述 | TiDB 社区 2 57 3
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 Understanding TiDB’s Execution Plan Binding Function in One Article 专栏 - 一文了解TiDB的执行计划绑定功能 | TiDB 社区 1 103 3
@ylldty TIKV Source Code Study Notes - BatchSystem Initialization Process 专栏 - TIKV 源码学习笔记--BatchSystem 创建初始化流程 | TiDB 社区 2 69 2
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 Chaos Testing TiDB Database with Databench-c from CAICT 专栏 - 基于信通院混沌测试工具databench-c对TiDB数据库进行混沌测试 | TiDB 社区 1 83 2
@我是人间不清醒 Application of TIDB Database in a Provincial Maternal and Child Health System 专栏 - TIDB数据库在某省妇幼业务系统应用 | TiDB 社区 14 386 11
@Kassadar Haproxy Health Check TiDB in Action 专栏 - Haproxy 探活 TiDB in Action | TiDB 社区 3 252 3
@paulli Practical Use of TIDB DM Function 专栏 - TIDB DM功能使用实践 | TiDB 社区 0 52 0
@paulli TIDB Row-to-Column and Column-to-Row Operations (with SQL Practice) 专栏 - TIDB 行转列和列转行操作(附SQL实战) | TiDB 社区 1 128 2
@gary Modifying TiDB Cluster IP and Port in Production 专栏 - 现网修改TiDB集群IP和端口 | TiDB 社区 5 165 3
@longzhuquan New Hints in TiDB 7.5 LTS Version 专栏 - TiDB 7.5 LTS版本新增的Hint | TiDB 社区 2 117 1
@凌云Cloud Architecture of Open Source Distributed Database TiDB and Implementation of HTAP 专栏 - 开源分布式数据库 TiDB 架构以及HTAP 的实现 | TiDB 社区 12 89 12
@paulli Practical Use of TIDB Partitioned Tables 专栏 - TIDB 分区表使用实践 | TiDB 社区 1 146 1
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 Understanding TiDB’s Data Comparison Tool sync-diff-inspector in One Article 专栏 - 一文了解TiDB的数据对比工具sync-diff-inspector | TiDB 社区 1 144 1
@凌云Cloud Real-time Computing Flink Integration with Open Source Connector - TiDB CDC Connector Case Study 专栏 - 实时计算Flink集成开源连接器-TiDB CDC Connector案例实践 | TiDB 社区 12 108 11
@清风明月 Backing Up Data to Shared Storage with TiOperator 专栏 - 通过TiOperator备份数据到共享存储 | TiDB 社区 1 60 0
@代晓磊_Mars How Zhihu, with Over 1.1 Billion Monthly Active Users and Over 400 Million Users, Manages Multi-Cloud and Multi-Active with a Large-Scale TiDB Cluster 专栏 - 月活超 1.1 亿,用户超 4 亿,你也在用的「知乎」是如何在超大规模 TiDB 集群上玩转多云多活的? | TiDB 社区 6 180 3
@WalterWj Bypassing MVCC Impact for TiDB Delete Data Method 专栏 - 绕过 MVCC 影响的 TiDB Delete 数据方法 | TiDB 社区 6 180 5
@knull TiKV State Changes 专栏 - TiKV 状态变化 | TiDB 社区 1 100 2
@TNTT Avoiding Pitfalls with Java JDBC Driver maxPerformance Configuration 专栏 - Java jdbc 驱动 maxPerformance 配置避坑 | TiDB 社区 0 64 1
@Kassadar Discussion on TiDB Three-Center “Split-Brain” Scenario 专栏 - TiDB 三中心"脑裂"场景探讨 | TiDB 社区 0 67 1
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 What Does the Launch of TiDB in Hangzhou Bank’s Core Mean from the Perspective of Bank Asset Scale? 专栏 - 从银行资产规模看TiDB上线杭州银行核心到底意味着什么? | TiDB 社区 3 154 3
@tidb狂热爱好者 My Story with TiDB: How TiDB Helped Me Earn 300,000 in Ten Years of Financial Management 专栏 - 我和 TiDB 的故事:十年理财之路之 TiDB 如何让我收益达到30万的 | TiDB 社区 0 609 0
@清风明月 Restoring Shared Storage Backup Data with TiOperator 专栏 - 通过TiOperator恢复共享存储备份数据 | TiDB 社区 1 68 1
@Daniel-W Migrating tiup and prometheus 专栏 - tiup与prometheus迁移 | TiDB 社区 2 63 2
@像风一样的男子 Resource Control Testing for TiDB 7.5.1 专栏 - TiDB 7.5.1 资源管控测试 | TiDB 社区 1 46 2
@ShawnYan Breaking News! TiDB v8 Released! Super Hardcore v8 Engine! 专栏 - 快讯!TiDB v8 发版!超硬核 v8 引擎! | TiDB 社区 4 249 1
@buddyyuan Comparing Methods to Find Records in A that Do Not Exist in B: not in, except, not exists, left join + is null 专栏 - 找到A不存在于B的记录,not in, except ,not exists ,left join + is null 大比拼 | TiDB 社区 0 111 0
@像风一样的男子 Testing TiDB v8.0 Component TiProxy 专栏 - TiDB v8.0 组件 TiProxy 测试 | TiDB 社区 5 158 2
@hzc989 Quickly and Accurately Locating Problematic SQL Based on Dashboard 专栏 - 教你快准狠上手基于 Dashboard 快速定位问题 SQL | TiDB 社区 0 70 0
@FutureDB Encountering “bash: tiup: command not found” When Switching to tidb User to Use tiup Command 专栏 - 切换到tidb用户使用tiup命令出现bash: tiup: command not found | TiDB 社区 0 34 0
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 Overview of Index Types in TiDB in One Article 专栏 - 一文概述TiDB中的索引类型 | TiDB 社区 1 113 1
@WalterWj Tips for Upgrading TiDB Versions 专栏 - TiDB 版本升级的小 Tips | TiDB 社区 2 219 2
@li_zhenhuan Choosing Between TiDB and MySQL for Different Scenarios 专栏 - TiDB VS MySQL 场景选择 | TiDB 社区 1 189 0
@miya TiDB Adventure 专栏 - TiDB 奇遇记 | TiDB 社区 0 82 0
@ShawnYan Surprise! This Domestic Database Certification Exam is Free! https://tidb.net/blog/ac71cc09 0 61 0
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 Exploring the Advantages of TiDB Through Typical Cases in the Financial Industry https://tidb.net/blog/2622caa9 1 288 1
@djshow832-PingCAP TiProxy Q&A & Future Plans https://tidb.net/blog/153686a4 5 283 3
@Kassadar High Availability of TiDB Monitoring and Alerts https://tidb.net/blog/84f005c5 0 39 2
@Lystorm Introduction to TIKV Distributed Transactions https://tidb.net/blog/a6dc6e8b 1 132 2
@JiekeXu Trying Out New Features in TiDB 8.0 https://tidb.net/blog/681e9d8d 0 190 0
@dengqee Managing TIUP Offline Images https://tidb.net/blog/eeebe568 2 92 2
@饭光小团 QPS Anomaly in Cluster Caused by Table Cache in tidb 6.1.4 https://tidb.net/blog/043e3b21 0 26 1
@Jack-li From a Chance Encounter to Deep Love https://tidb.net/blog/cf731271 0 66 0
@madcoder TiDB Launch: A New Stage in My Career https://tidb.net/blog/b27a5af1 1 79 1
@ShawnYan Community Voices: Congratulations on the GA of the TiProxy Component! https://tidb.net/blog/529996b3 1 53 0
@Joyz Private Interview After Work|On PingCAP’s Ninth Anniversary, I Asked My Cousin Nine Questions https://tidb.net/blog/cb51358b 3 112 1
@凌云Cloud TiDB Migration to the Cloud Practice (Part 1) - Self-built MySQL https://tidb.net/blog/36d7d1fc 10 93 10
@WalterWj Interpreting New Features in TiDB (6.0~6.6) https://tidb.net/blog/da5c889f 0 250 1
@大数据模型 Comparison of Backup and Disaster Recovery Systems Between TiDB and MySQL https://tidb.net/blog/8788eb77 0 40 0
@hey-hoho Using TiDB Vector for Image Search https://tidb.net/blog/0c5672b9 7 1324 7
@Jasper Handling Common Issues During TiDB Version Upgrades (v6.0 and Above) https://tidb.net/blog/6b1674cb 0 147 1
@TIDBXX My Journey of TiDB Learning and Certification: The “Happy Camp” of the Database World https://tidb.net/blog/8840439a 0 35 0
@Donvi Serious Study of PTCP (Not a Typo, Hey) https://tidb.net/blog/782480a1 0 49 0
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 Trying Out New Version 2.1.3 of TiDB Enterprise Manager TEM https://tidb.net/blog/fa77760e 1 67 1
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 Analyzing a No Leader Issue on a Node https://tidb.net/blog/def01f02 1 50 1
@Ming TiDB Performance Optimization - Operating System https://tidb.net/blog/34c67976 1 62 2
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 How is TiDB’s Automatic Data Balancing Achieved? https://tidb.net/blog/6817b09f 1 103 3
@WalterWj Primary-Backup Switch Under CDC Synchronization in TiDB https://tidb.net/blog/69c0dc39 0 49 2
@Ming Pushing TiDB Alerts to Enterprise WeChat Bot https://tidb.net/blog/e308765f 5 142 3
@madcoder Making TiDB Offline Upgrades Easy and Enjoyable with Copilot’s Magic https://tidb.net/blog/4837974d 1 85 2
@Jellybean Building a More Stable and Efficient TiDB Multi-Tenant System https://tidb.net/blog/61c1921c 2 66 2
@WalterWj Testing k8s Installation https://tidb.net/blog/8ce64b10 0 27 0
@WalterWj Installing TiDB Cluster with tidb-operator https://tidb.net/blog/f4b5256b 0 24 0
@WalterWj Installing TiDB Monitoring and Alerts with Operator https://tidb.net/blog/76d17a85 0 14 0
@hughzm PCSD Exam Instructions and Course Summary https://tidb.net/blog/0e4162d6 0 50 0
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 Databases Should Not Blindly Rely on General Benchmark Tests; There Are More Important Things https://tidb.net/blog/6e7ad23c 5 99 3
@Lystorm Exception Handling Logic in TIKV Distributed Transactions https://tidb.net/blog/66e7400e 1 412 3
@啦啦啦啦啦 Choosing TiDB Upgrade Plans https://tidb.net/blog/42a326ae 1 213 2
@Jellybean Troubleshooting an MDL Lock Issue https://tidb.net/blog/3736dfc3 2 100 3
@ShawnYan Star Archaeology: Looking Back at TiDB v1.0 https://tidb.net/blog/5b2c5ca2 0 47 0
@Kassadar Recovering a Deleted TiDB Cluster: Recovery from a Total Kubernetes Failure https://tidb.net/blog/2695b456 0 25 0
@数据源的TiDB学习之路 Does TiDB’s Online DDL Operation Affect Business? https://tidb.net/blog/42d7ba4b 1 65 1
@WalterWj Introducing Database Upgrade Principles of a Certain Bank https://tidb.net/blog/663b462e 0 51 1
@WalterWj Interpreting New Features in TiDB (7.0~7.5) https://tidb.net/blog/7d4343d2 0 126 1
@TiDBer_21wZg5fm Guangge’s Journey to PCTA Certification https://tidb.net/blog/0722ee08 0 29 0
@forever Stories of TiDB Learning/Certification https://tidb.net/blog/aa4ee3e6 0 32 0
@田帅萌7 Practical Experience: Upgrading TiDB from 5.0 to 7.5.1 in Core Cluster, Doubling Performance and Enhancing Stability, Smoothly Handling the May Day Peak https://tidb.net/blog/f8fcb853 2 185 1
@tidb菜鸟一只 My TiDB PCTP Certification Journey https://tidb.net/blog/96041f4e 0 42 0
@farmwork TiDB Learning/Certification Adventure https://tidb.net/blog/b8bf6c3d 0 36 0
@jiayou64 TiDB Learning/Certification Journey https://tidb.net/blog/3240b3bd 0 32 0
@Hacker_Petiu56G Stories of TiDB Learning
| username: Kongdom | Original post link


| username: Jellybean | Original post link

:100: :100: :100:

| username: WalterWj | Original post link

Too strong, I can’t keep up.

| username: caiyfc | Original post link

Everyone here is so strong.

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

:tada: :tada: :tada:

| username: jiayou64 | Original post link

Big bro, light the way :call_me_hand:

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

The award-winning teacher truly deserves it.

| username: TIDB-Learner | Original post link

Take some time to study the masterpieces of the teachers.

| username: ShunWah | Original post link

:+1: The number of submissions for the second essay contest increased by more than 270%. :tada:

| username: Aionn | Original post link

Congratulations to all the experts.

| username: 我是吉米哥 | Original post link

The event was organized really well.