Bug Report on TiCDC Capturing DDL Source Code for All Databases and Tables

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Original topic: TiCDC采集到所有库和表的DDL的源码bug反馈

| username: TiDBer_hWeMryFA

TiCDC only collects a few tables, but any database table in the cluster will be collected by CDC when performing DDL. Only the DDL of tables within the collection filter rules will be sent to the target topic, while the DDL of other database tables will be collected but not sent to the target topic. This is a bug. Normally, CDC should not collect the DDL of all database tables, only the DDL of tables within its filter rules. After looking at the source code, I found the key bug. Please check if I am correct. When creating the object in ddl_puller.go, the specified table filter information was not passed in, causing ddlJobPuller to pull the DDL of all database tables.

| username: TiDBer_hWeMryFA | Original post link

Is there any TiCDC developer who can help me check if this bug is causing the pulling of all database and table DDLs?

| username: TiDBer_hWeMryFA | Original post link

This is TiDB 6.1

| username: songxuecheng | Original post link

You can take a look at this. It’s already being addressed.

| username: system | Original post link

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