Can GRANT authorization support reverse selection of corresponding tables or table regex matching?

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Original topic: GRANT 授权,是否能反选对应表 或者 表正则匹配?

| username: lzb666

Currently, there is a database with 800 tables. A new account needs to be created and granted access to most of the tables, except for a few sensitive data tables. Additionally, for newly added tables, it should automatically comply with rules such as test database dp_xxxxxx.

| username: db_user | Original post link

It seems that this is not supported. MySQL should also support regular expressions for database names, but not for individual table names.

I have the same requirement. My approach is to create a role, write a script to grant table permissions to the role, set up a detection for new tables, and then assign the role’s permissions to developers and others when granting permissions.

| username: 裤衩儿飞上天 | Original post link

Is it possible to first grant access to the entire database, and then revoke access to the relevant sensitive tables?

| username: db_user | Original post link

This won’t work. The database and table correspond to different tables in the MySQL privilege system, so this cannot be achieved.

| username: 裤衩儿飞上天 | Original post link

I tested it, and it indeed doesn’t work.

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

It’s easier to implement with a script.

| username: 会飞的土拨鼠 | Original post link

How about first granting query permissions for the entire database, and then revoking permissions for a few specific tables?

| username: 会飞的土拨鼠 | Original post link

However, you can also use a script to first query the table names and then execute them in batches.

| username: Jiawei | Original post link

Provide a convenient approach: can we extract the sensitive tables from this database and place them in another database on the current machine, such as a configuration database? This way, by granting permissions separately, we won’t have to worry.

| username: lzb666 | Original post link

Of course, this is possible~~~ but this is equivalent to sharding~~ if there are join table operations, code modifications will be needed~~ it’s quite a bit of work.

| username: Jiawei | Original post link

At present, it seems to be a relatively convenient solution.

| username: lzb666 | Original post link

Okay, we will take this solution into consideration. However, due to historical baggage, there will be quite a lot of code changes.