Chengdu Meetup is here! It's the beginning of autumn, why not come and chat~

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 成都地区 Meetup 来了!立秋了不来唠唠吗~

| username: Kylin1996

Chengdu, We Meet Again!

When talking about Sichuan, people often think of the folk customs of western Sichuan, the historical clouds of the Three Kingdoms, and the profound culture of Bashu. This place has been known as the “Land of Abundance” since ancient times. In recent years, more and more IT professionals have chosen to return to Sichuan from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen to develop their careers. My connection with TiDB began at a previous Chengdu Meetup. I had heard about TiDB a long time ago, and my company is currently in the selection and testing phase, so it was a great opportunity to attend the event and listen to TiDB practices in person.

As a loyal fan of TiDB, I am very excited to organize a technical exchange Meetup in Chengdu. I saw the regional organizer plan in the community and decided to give it a try. Thanks to the community operator @YY-Ha, who shared many preparation stories from other regions with me. Seeing the group photos from various regions, I felt that this is the style of a technical community—finding a small teahouse or coffee shop to chat.

Back to the main topic, we plan to hold another technical sharing event in Chengdu in mid to late September. We welcome companions from Chengdu to share any topics related to infrastructure and cloud-native technologies!

Welcome to Share Your Practices in the Community~

The TiDB community is an open organization. We welcome tech enthusiasts to become community technology sharers and share various interesting and valuable technologies and applications in actual engineering projects. If you are interested in technology, have aspirations, and want to meet more like-minded friends, we welcome you to join us. Our expected sharing guests:

(1) The scope of sharing content is not limited. It can be practices of technologies in various fields such as cloud computing, big data, databases, etc., in actual production environments, lasting about 30-40 minutes.

(2) Try to keep the content objective, and do not arbitrarily criticize individuals or products based on personal preferences. Express your views with reason and evidence.

In the family of sharers, you can not only meet more sharing guests and learn about the problems and solutions encountered in the actual implementation of technologies in enterprises but also receive the latest TiDB peripheral gift package!


Contact Us

If you have something good to share, you can directly click the registration link below, or you can contact me via private message, or contact the community event operator YY @YY-Ha.

Registration link: PingCAP Account

If you want to participate in our event, the specific event schedule will be released later. Stay tuned!

| username: YY-ha | Original post link

First comment! The Chengdu Meetup is planned for mid to late September. Everyone is welcome to sign up and join the discussion~

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link
