[Community Wisdom Collection] Failure Cases & Solutions | TiCDC Synchronization Delay/Non-Synchronization, checkpointTs Not Advancing/TiCDC Anomalies Causing GC to Fail/Synchronization to S3 Errors/All Tasks Stopped/Synchronization Errors Not Alerting

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Original topic: 【社区智慧合集】故障案例&解决方案|TiCDC同步延迟/不同步,checkpointTs不推进/TiCDC异常导致GC不工作/同步s3异常/任务全部stop/同步错误不报警

| username: 社区小助手

Compilation Creator :sparkles: :sunglasses:@随缘天空

Column Articles

Contributor: @seiang

Handling TiCDC Synchronization Delay Issues

Contributor: @bbhy135258

TiDB v5.1.2 - Troubleshooting TiCDC Non-Synchronization and checkpointTs Not Advancing Issues

Contributor: @代晓磊_Mars

A Disk Usage Issue in TiKV Caused by TiCDC Anomalies and GC Inactivity

Contributor: @jiyf

Failure in Synchronizing CDC to S3

Contributor: @weixiaobing

Migration PD Pitfall - All CDC Tasks Stopped

Contributor: @sustyle

CDC Task Synchronization Errors Without Triggering Alerts

Technical Q&A

6.5.1 TiCDC Synchronization Delay Optimization

Increasing Synchronization Gap in TiCDC

High Memory Usage by TiDB 4.0.11 CDC Leading to OOM

TiCDC Not Synchronizing, Checkpoint Stuck

TiCDC User Guide & Resources

TiCDC Data Migration Failure

TiCDC Task Rebuild Failure

TiDB 5.2.1 TiCDC Synchronization to Kafka Not Advancing TSO and Checkpoint Without Errors

Slow Incremental Backup to S3 with TiCDC Dual Sink

Abnormal TiCDC Monitoring Metrics

TiCDC Error: [CDC:ErrSnapshotSchemaNotFound] schema 41766 not found in schema snapshot

Official Documentation

Why is the Synchronization Task Delay from TiCDC to Kafka Increasing?

TiCDC Troubleshooting


TiCDC Cluster Monitoring and Alert Rules

| username: TIDB-Learner | Original post link

Some of the issue posts are quite old. The versions are outdated, and the technology is constantly being updated.

| username: 社区小助手 | Original post link

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