[Content Optimization] Which of the following features are implemented by TiKV or TiFlash? (Select 2)

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Original topic: 【内容优化】下列功能是由 TiKV 或 TiFlash 实现的为?( 选 2 项 )

| username: fanruinet

Location: Lesson01 Classroom Quiz https://learn.pingcap.com/learner/player/1110001;id=1110001;source=DETAIL;classroomId=1560001;courseDetailId=960001;learnerAttemptId=1654180315826

Optimization Suggestions & Expectations:
I have some doubts about option B of this question: “Business isolation for OLAP and OLTP” is achieved by TiDB-Server together with TiKV & TiFlash, so I believe B should not be the correct answer.
For option C, it actually has the same error as B, “Transforming relational data into KV storage for persistence” is also achieved by TiDB-Server together with TiKV & TiFlash. The reason why option C is incorrect is the same as the reason why option B is incorrect.
Therefore, I believe the only correct answer to this question is F.

| username: TiDBer_iLonNMYE | Original post link

As you mentioned, TiKV is for OLTP business, and TiFlash is for OLAP, so B is an optional choice. The data model conversion from relational to KV key-value type is mainly handled by TiDB, so C is incorrect.