[Course Issue] Core Principles and Architecture of TiDB Database [TiDB v6]: TiKV-Raft

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Original topic: 【课程问题】TiDB 数据库核心原理与架构 [TiDB v6] :TiKV-Raft

| username: 箱子NvN

When a modification request comes in, it first goes to PD to get the data on which TiKV, which leader region, and then goes through propose, append, replication, committed, and apply.

During the apply phase, does only the leader write the Raft log to RocksDB KV, or does the leader send a message to the follower to apply after the apply phase? Or does the follower perform append and write the Raft log to RocksDB KV during the replication phase before sending a message to the leader?

| username: banana_jian | Original post link

The prerequisite for applying is that the majority of nodes have already written to the raft log. Once the leader node successfully applies, it should be considered a successful application, and the client will receive a commit success. Since the follower nodes have already persisted the log, theoretically, there is no risk of data loss, but the speed of applying may vary.

| username: 箱子NvN | Original post link

It is possible that the apply information during the TiKV committed phase is broadcasted.

| username: xiaohetao | Original post link

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| username: xiaohetao | Original post link

The subsequent courses will cover Raft log replication.

| username: TiDBer_xOIxqm8G | Original post link

If the follower nodes apply at different speeds, will it affect follower read?

| username: system | Original post link

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