Data Synchronization Solutions

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Original topic: 数据同步方案

| username: ffeenn

[Test Environment for TiDB]
[TiDB Version] 5.4.1
[Reproduction Path]
[Encountered Issues: Problem Phenomenon and Impact]
TiDB 5.4.1 => PolarDB-X1
When the downstream database is PolarDB-X1, what are some convenient and constructive solutions for full and incremental data synchronization?

| username: MrSylar | Original post link

TiDB currently does not have such a tool. You can check if PolarDB has it, or try flink-cdc.

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link


| username: ffeenn | Original post link

This has been tested, and there is a slight instability.

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

:wink: The most convenient way is to directly use ETL tools, such as Kettle, which can be used and written as needed and supports heterogeneous databases.

| username: ffeenn | Original post link

You’re right, I’m testing this now. After running it, I feel like it could crash at any moment, haha. Maybe I’m still not familiar with this thing. Now I just want to ask everyone to test and screen the tools they’ve used.

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

:handshake: :handshake: :handshake: We’ve been using it for quite a while. The only issue is that things made with Java consume too much memory. Other than that, we haven’t found any problems.

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

In fact, TiCDC can do it. TiDB’s data can be sent to Kafka through TiCDC, and then the sink end can write to anywhere.

| username: redgame | Original post link

Use ETL tools

| username: TiDBer_PyN8ad50 | Original post link

Connect TiDB binlog and use DTS.

| username: cassblanca | Original post link

Curve-saving the nation: TiDB → TiCDC → MySQL → CloudCanal/Seatunnel/DTS → PolarDB

| username: ffeenn | Original post link

Yes, there are compatibility issues, and quite a few changes have been made, so I want to try using other DM or ETL tools.

| username: ffeenn | Original post link

You’re being too roundabout.

| username: ffeenn | Original post link

It’s a solution.

| username: cassblanca | Original post link

If the number of links is not long enough, how can it be called a roundabout way to save the country?

| username: TiDBer_vfJBUcxl | Original post link

Learned something, will try it when I have time.

| username: system | Original post link

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