DDL statements can be executed in parallel in TiDB

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Original topic: DDL 语句可以在 TiDB 中并行执行

| username: tjdagang1

Regarding the execution process of DDL statements, which of the following statements is correct?

A. DDL statements can be executed in parallel in TiDB

B. At the same time, there cannot be multiple DDL statements waiting to be executed

C. At the same time, only one TiDB Server can execute DDL statements

D. DDL statements waiting to be executed are persisted in the storage of the TiDB Server
Student’s answer: C. At the same time, only one TiDB Server can execute DDL statements
Correct answer: C. At the same time, only one TiDB Server can execute DDL statements

A. DDL statements can be executed in parallel in TiDB - Why is this incorrect? Adding an index can be executed in parallel with DDL.

| username: mayjiang0203 | Original post link

Please refer to this article. Parallel DDL has not been released in the release version yet; it is a new feature in the master branch. In the release version, DDL is uniformly assigned to a DDL owner (elected in TiDB), and this DDL owner is responsible for executing it serially.

| username: tjdagang1 | Original post link

This article is from 2018. Parallel DDL is now supported.

| username: system | Original post link

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