This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.
Original topic: 根据K8S安装步骤部署好TiDB环境,增加TiFlash出错
[Test Environment] Testing environment
[TiDB Version] V6.1.0
Error when executing the statement:
mysql> ALTER DATABASE test
1105 - the tiflash replica count: 2 should be less than the total tiflash server count: 0
Configuration information:
Tiflash status:
According to the documentation, edit the configuration using kubectl edit tc basic -n tidb-cluster, save and exit. Is there anything else that needs to be done?
Check the logs of the TiFlash pod.
First, check TiFlash, and use describe to take a look.
Describe the container and see if there are any prompts.
kubectl describe pod basic-tikv-0 -n xxx
How should the PVC configuration be modified?
You can try scaling down first, then scaling up.
It might be an issue with the limit configuration, similar to what I have encountered before.
Refer to this document to see if it can solve your problem: 专栏 - tiflash 6.0 on K8s 扩容与新特性实践 | TiDB 社区
Check if there are PV and PVC or if there are no available PVC bindings.
Check if there are PV and PVC or if there are no available PVC bindings?
How do I check this?
kubectl get pvc -A
kubectl get pv -n xx
Do I need to add this to the volumes configuration? How should I configure it?