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Original topic: TiDB企业版和社区版本的备份区别
I see that the Enterprise Edition supports storage-level backup and recovery, while the Community Edition does not. Is this different from the regular BR?
If you spend money and encounter problems, you can ask P社 to help solve them. For free services, you can only rely on internal discussions and strategies. Generally, clients prefer to spend money to solve problems, as those are not considered issues.
There is no difference in the software, but the commercial version includes Oracle synchronization tools and support for GitHub - pingcap/tiunimanager: TiUniManager.
One option is to ask the community when you encounter a problem and wait for others to respond. The other option is to create a dedicated group for you, where you can throw in your questions like discarding trash. In the group, someone will say, “Hold on, we’ll solve it right away.”
The enterprise edition will have dedicated services, while the community edition is free to fly.
The difference between free and paid versions is that the paid version definitely offers better service, especially in terms of technical support and fault recovery.
Paid versions come with after-sales service, while the community edition leaves you to fend for yourself.
I feel there is no difference. This is a comparison between the enterprise edition and the community edition. If you have the money, you can directly contact the official team.
The enterprise edition is equivalent to purchasing the service.
It’s just like the difference between spending money on in-game purchases and not spending money.
In the comparison between the enterprise edition and the community edition, I did not see the difference you mentioned.
Welcome capable players to join, which is beneficial for the development of TiDB. 
There may not be much difference, because I see that the content here is not very accurate. For example, stored procedures are still not supported in the enterprise edition.
Is there a free audit available?
The main focus is on auditing functionality and problem resolution. For the free version, you can ask questions here, while the enterprise version has dedicated support.
For personal use, go with the community edition. For business use, choose the enterprise edition; after all, businesses have money.
This belongs to basic functionality, and there generally won’t be any differences. Differences usually lie in advanced features and technical support.