Distinguishing TiFlash Ports

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Original topic: TiFlash port 区分

| username: onlyacat

Version v5.4.1
Using tiup to print the cluster, you can see that tiflash uses 9000 as the main port for differentiation.

However, when querying information using information_schema.cluster_info, it is found that one of the 3930 ports is used for differentiation.

Can this be unified? Otherwise, it is very troublesome to do some monitoring.

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

The functions of the ports are different, please distinguish them.

tcp_port: The port for TiFlash TCP service, default is 9000
flash_service_port: The port for TiFlash to provide services, TiDB reads data from TiFlash through this port, default is 3930

| username: onlyacat | Original post link

Yes, let’s see if we can standardize it. The other instances don’t have this issue. Otherwise, if the main port changes, it looks quite confusing, especially when it’s used as a key.

| username: wish-PingCAP | Original post link

There is indeed some inconsistency. You can directly suggest this to the TiUP project at https://github.com/pingcap/tiup~