This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.
Original topic: dm非DDL语句同步报错
【TiDB Usage Environment】Testing Environment
【TiDB Version】6.1
【Encountered Issue】
DM synchronization error, query-status shows that there is a table creation statement in the binlog, and the synchronization is interrupted because the comment of one of the fields is too long.
After using binlog skip, it reports “msg”: “only support to handle ddl error currently”.
I would like to ask if DM can skip non-DDL operations.
Creating a table with field descriptions that are too long causes an interruption? Isn’t it just a DDL?
The description was incorrect; it was an insert statement error. After modifying the comment of the error field, the synchronization worked fine.
This is also incorrect. If you want to modify the comments, it should be a DDL statement. You can directly refer to skipping DDL.
The error is with the insert statement, which is being synchronized from MySQL to TiDB. The comment was modified directly on TiDB.
Please send the query-status.
Non-DDL issues need to be resolved manually, such as primary key conflicts.
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