Dm query-status: Is the syncerBinlog position already processed or currently being processed?

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Original topic: dm query-status: 同步进度 syncerBinlog 这个位置是已经处理完成的,还是正在处理的?

| username: 超7成网友

To check the synchronization status of the task: “syncerBinlog”: “(mysql-bin|000001.000057, 394580502)”
If I stop the current task and start another task in incremental mode,

will the starting position of the new task be 394580502 or the next position after 394580502?

| username: buchuitoudegou | Original post link

It has already been completed. However, the binlog after this position might have already been synchronized (just not yet flushed to the downstream checkpoint). If you want to start from this position, you can enable safe-mode.

| username: system | Original post link

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