DM source is added but there is no free worker to bind [Multi-source Aggregation Issue]

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Original topic: DM source is added but there is no free worker to bound【多源汇聚问题】

| username: Kamner

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production
【TiDB Version】v5.4.0
【Encountered Problem】
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】
Currently, there is only one worker in the DM cluster. When starting another task, an error occurs: source is added but there is no free worker to bound.

I have already checked the posts:

It seems that without increasing the number of workers, this problem cannot be solved. This kind of demand is quite common. There are a dozen or twenty MySQL instances upstream synchronizing data to TiDB. It is impossible to set up dozens of worker nodes to handle this.

I want to know if there is an official Best Practice solution for this kind of multi-source aggregation to TiDB demand? Or can it only be done using TiCDC?

| username: sunzhaoyang | Original post link

Aggregating multiple MySQL instances into TiDB requires using DM. Currently, worker and source can only be bound one-to-one, so you need to deploy more workers (which can be on a single node).

TiCDC’s upstream is TiDB, which is not suitable for your scenario.

| username: Hacker007 | Original post link

A worker can only be bound to one data source.

| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

You can go here to describe your requirements in detail~

| username: cs58_dba | Original post link

We can only rely on increasing the number of workers.

| username: wisdom | Original post link

If the upstream MySQL is multi-source, it can only be resolved by adding worker nodes, with each worker node corresponding to one data source.