DM Synchronization MySQL Error: Table xxx does not exist

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Original topic: DM同步MYSQL报错 表不存在 xxx table does not exist

| username: Hacker_D3YgWZrw

【TiDB Environment】tidb: v4.0.11 version dm: 1.0.6 version
【TiDB Version】4.0.11
【Problem Encountered】When DM synchronizes MySQL, it reports an error “xxx table does not exist”, but the table actually exists upstream. Later, I modified the DM configuration file to manually ignore the table, but the error still occurred.
【Reproduction Path】Modified the DM configuration file to manually ignore the table, but the error still occurred.
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】
The table exists upstream in MySQL, but TiDB reports that it does not exist.

Querying MySQL, the table actually exists

Modified the DM configuration file to manually ignore the table, but the error still occurred.

| username: songxuecheng | Original post link

Does TiDB have this table?

| username: cheng | Original post link

Is the account you used to execute the show command in MySQL the same account used for DM?

| username: Hacker_D3YgWZrw | Original post link

Yes, the same account.

| username: Hacker_D3YgWZrw | Original post link

TiDB does not synchronize this type of table, I do not need to synchronize this one.

| username: buchuitoudegou | Original post link

  1. The error reported by syncer should indicate that the downstream TiDB does not have this table.
  2. Could you please share the complete configuration file? The ignore-tables rule may not have taken effect (i.e., this table was not ignored) because the block-allow-lists rule is quite complex and there might be a configuration error.

For specific rules, refer to this post: 同一个source,多个block-allow-list时怎么配置 - #12,来自 buchuitoudegou - TiDB 的问答社区