This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: TiDB配置调优部分的文档优化
1. Documentation is unclear or incomplete, please provide feedback according to the template below:
- Issue category: The content of the documentation is too brief and does not provide users with guiding opinions.
- Page where the issue occurs: 操作系统性能参数调优 | PingCAP 文档中心
- Error encountered: The optimization documentation regarding NUMA binding cores asks users to refer to the man manual? Is this even considered documentation? At least provide a scenario or an example, such as whether binding cores is suitable when resources are insufficient, or when hardware resources are abundant? In what scenarios is binding cores not suitable? How to perform NUMA binding?
2. Documentation is unclear or incomplete, please submit according to the template below:
- Issue category: Content is too brief, descriptions are unclear and ambiguous, steps are incomplete.
- Page where the issue occurs: 操作系统性能参数调优 | PingCAP 文档中心
- Issue encountered: The optimization content in the network section is too superficial. After reading this section, it feels like a lot has been written, but at the same time, it seems like nothing has been written.
Finally, to add, “Documentation that even a vegetable vendor can understand is good documentation!” Although this is a bit exaggerated.