Does DM support migrating data from Alibaba RDS or other cloud databases?

Currently, DM only supports decoding the standard version of MySQL or MariaDB binlog. It has not been tested for Alibaba Cloud RDS or other cloud databases. If you are confirmed that its binlog is in standard format, then it is supported.

It is a known issue that for an upstream table with no primary key in Alibaba Cloud RDS, its binlog still contains a hidden primary key column, which is inconsistent with the original table structure.

Here are some known incompatible issues:

  • In Alibaba Cloud RDS, for an upstream table with no primary key, its binlog still contains a hidden primary key column, which is inconsistent with the original table structure.
  • In HUAWEI Cloud RDS, directly reading binlog files is not supported. For more details, see Can HUAWEI Cloud RDS Directly Read Binlog Backup Files?