Does the dashboard panel load a secure link button? Implementing network traffic control similar to a firewall

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 请问dashboard面板是否加载安全链接按键?实现类似防火墙的网络流量控制

| username: 半瓶醋仙

Requirement Feedback
Please clearly and accurately describe the problem scenario, desired behavior, and background information to help the product team follow up on the requirement in a timely manner.
[Problem Scenario Involved in the Requirement]

[Expected Desired Behavior]

[Alternative Solutions for the Requirement]

[Background Information]
For example, which users will benefit from it, and some usage scenarios. Any API design, models, or diagrams would be more helpful.
Can the built-in monitoring panel load the client secure firewall’s connect secure endpoint? It’s a very simple requirement.