This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: tidb有sqltest这种测试工具吗

Is there something similar to mysqltest that can test the full range of SQL functionalities?
This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: tidb有sqltest这种测试工具吗
Is there something similar to mysqltest that can test the full range of SQL functionalities?
This can’t test the full range of SQL functionality, right?
TiDB is generally compatible with MySQL. I think if you want to use mysqltest, you can use it directly.
Apart from potential issues related to MySQL compatibility, there shouldn’t be major problems. You might as well give it a try first and address any issues as they arise.
The testing tools should be compatible with MySQL. That is, the TiDB testing strategy needs to be more in-depth.
HammerDB is also quite useful, with standard TPCC, you don’t even need to prepare the data yourself.
My personal suggestion is that you might as well write a stress testing tool directly and conduct stress testing using the full MySQL logs from your business. This way, the data will be more accurate.