Does TiKV's coprocessor only support SQL operators, or can custom operators be defined?

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Original topic: tikv的coprocessor,只支持 sql 的算子么,能不能自定义别的算子

| username: Zhoutzzz

After reading the source code analysis of TiKV, it is said that the coprocessor handles the SQL operators pushed down by TiDB. If we simply use TiKV and call its exposed RPC interface to pass in custom operators, will it work?

| username: xfworld | Original post link

rawAPI? But without SQL, why do we still need operators? That’s a KV capability…

Currently, custom operators are not supported…

| username: Zhoutzzz | Original post link

I want to research the coprocessor to see if it’s possible to build an index at the KV level. Currently, it’s restricted to only support SQL.

| username: pingyu | Original post link

Currently not supported. There was a proposal by an expert before, but it was not finalized.


| username: system | Original post link

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