[Download] Design and Implementation of TiFlash DeltaTree Index

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Original topic: 【资料下载】TiFlash DeltaTree Index 的设计和实现

| username: YY-ha

How does TiFlash read data?

Today’s source code interpretation introduces the underlying working principles, shared by PingCAP R&D engineer Li Dezhu in “Design and Implementation of TiFlash DeltaTree Index”

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Analysis of the Design and Implementation of TiFlash DeltaTree Index.pdf (1.2 MB)

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| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

First comment, thanks for Mr. Li’s sharing~~ :clap:

| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

So fast, hahahahaha

| username: YY-ha | Original post link

You’re really ahead of the curve!

| username: szza | Original post link

The red-marked areas in the PPT are not very precise.

It should use node.count[i] and node.child[i].

| username: szza | Original post link

I have a question,

Does the node[i].sid in the announcement refer to the sid at position 1 or the sid at position 2?

| username: YY-ha | Original post link

Got it, I have reported it to the internal teacher~

| username: lidezhu-PingCAP | Original post link

The main purpose of the pseudocode here is to clarify the process. I think both ways of writing are fine, as long as the meaning is clearly understood.

| username: lidezhu-PingCAP | Original post link

This is a classic tree traversal algorithm, starting from the root node, so the sid of any internal node may be used. Initially, the sid of the root node is used.