[Download] Source Code Analysis | Design and Implementation of Common Operators in TiFlash (Winner Announcement~)

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Original topic: 【资料下载】源码解读 | TiFlash 中常用算子的设计与实现 (中奖信息公布~)

| username: YY-ha

On June 30, PingCAP senior R&D engineer Qi Zhi shared “Design and Implementation of Common Operators in TiFlash.” Through this session, you will gain a certain understanding of the various stages of TiFlash operators. After listening, you will understand the design logic of the operator code and be able to further read the code independently or handle simple issues.

[Download Materials] Design and Implementation of Common Operators in TiFlash.pdf (2.9 MB)

[Source Code Promoter]

Rewards: Becoming a [Source Code Promoter] will earn you

  • 100 points, 100 experience points
  • A random draw for 2 [Source Code Promoters] to win a new TiDB custom crossbody bag~

How to Participate: Randomly share the link you are watching/reviewing to your Moments, take a screenshot, and reply with the screenshot in the comments below (remember to include the image) to get a chance to win a random draw~


Event Time: June 30, 2022, 20:00 - July 1, 20:00

[Winner Announcement]

Congratulations to @TiDBer_Q and @TiDBer_JunziWeiren for winning this session’s [Source Code Promoter] draw.
Please private message me your shipping address this week~

Draw Announcement Recording.mp4 (1.2 MB)

| username: 履霜知冰 | Original post link

Saved +1, thanks for sharing :+1:

| username: 履霜知冰 | Original post link

:pray: Good luck

| username: TiDBer_pFFcXLgY | Original post link

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link


| username: ddhe9527 | Original post link

Reserving a spot first

| username: TiDBer_君子伟人 | Original post link

Senior promoter.

| username: TiDBer_CQ | Original post link

Source code with goods.

| username: TiDBer-吴 | Original post link

Watching the replay! Very good!

| username: 我是咖啡哥 | Original post link

Why can’t I find this replay on the video channel?

| username: YY-ha | Original post link

You can also watch the replay on Bilibili: 源码解读 | TiFlash 中常用算子的设计与实现_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

| username: YY-ha | Original post link

Dear source code promoters! Points have been added to your accounts, please check and confirm~

| username: YY-ha | Original post link

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