Enable TiDB Binlog but the tidb_binlog database is missing, checkpoint not found

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 开启tidb binlog 但 tidb_binlog库没有,查不到checkpoint

| username: vesa

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production\Test Environment\POC
【TiDB Version】6.1.0
【Encountered Problem】
tidb_binlog is enabled, drainer is running normally, data is being synchronized to the downstream normally, but the tidb_binlog database cannot be found, and the checkpoint cannot be queried.
【Reproduction Path】What operations were performed to encounter the problem
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】
Unable to query checkpoint.

| username: vesa | Original post link

The binlog has been found to be enabled, but the tidb_binlog database just won’t be generated automatically.

| username: vesa | Original post link

The entire operation: Execute scale-drainer.yaml through the tiup command to enable binlog;

Question: The tidb_binlog database is not automatically created. The documentation says that enabling binlog will create this database, but after enabling it, the database still does not exist. How can this database be automatically created in this situation?

| username: qizheng | Original post link

You can check the drainer.toml parameter configuration

| username: vesa | Original post link

The current configuration of tiup cluster edit-config xxxx is like this. Should syncer.to.checkpoint be added?

- host:
  ssh_port: 22
  port: 8249
  deploy_dir: /data/tidb-deploy/drainer-8249
  data_dir: /data/tidb-data/drainer-8249
  log_dir: /data/tidb-deploy/drainer-8249/log
  commit_ts: -1
    syncer.db-type: mysql
    syncer.to.password: XXXXXX
    syncer.to.port: 4000
    syncer.to.user: root
  arch: amd64
  os: linux
    type: mysql
    schema: tidb_binlog
| username: qizheng | Original post link

You need to configure the MySQL connection information.