Encountering "ERROR 9005 (HY000): Region is unavailable" when querying the table, but the cluster status shows no major issues

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Original topic: 查表出现"ERROR 9005 (HY000): Region is unavailable",集群状态又没有大问题

| username: LBX流鼻血

[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment
[TiDB Version] 6.1
[Encountered Problem: Phenomenon and Impact]

Phenomenon: Currently, many large table queries result in “ERROR 9005 (HY000): Region is unavailable,” leading to an inability to back up and query tables.


Once performed a BR, but due to insufficient memory, two KV nodes crashed. Finally, used manual region allocation and online unsafe recover to completely decommission the faulty nodes.

KV logs report a large number of errors:
[WARN] [peer.rs:5618] [“leader missing longer than abnormal_leader_missing_duration”] [expect=10m] [peer_id=33046701] [region_id=33046699]
[2023/08/29 13:22:03.814 +08:00] [WARN] [store.rs:986] [“[store 130077642] handle 7 pending peers include 6 ready, 0 entries, 0 messages and 0 snapshots”] [takes=2150]
[2023/08/29 13:22:04.657 +08:00] [ERROR] [util.rs:447] [“request failed, retry”] [err_code=KV:PD:Unknown] [err=“Other("[components/pd_client/src/client.rs:897]: get timestamp timeout")”]
[2023/08/29 13:22:04.980 +08:00] [ERROR] [util.rs:447] [“request failed, retry”] [err_code=KV:PD:Unknown] [err=“Other("[components/pd_client/src/client.rs:897]: get timestamp timeout")”]
[2023/08/29 13:22:05.044 +08:00] [WARN] [store.rs:986] [“[store 130077642] handle 2 pending peers include 2 ready, 0 entries, 0 messages and 0 snapshots”] [takes=1094]
[2023/08/29 13:22:06.561 +08:00] [WARN] [store.rs:986] [“[store 130077642] handle 32 pending peers include 30 ready, 0 entries, 0 messages and 0 snapshots”] [takes=1513]
[2023/08/29 13:22:06.678 +08:00] [ERROR] [util.rs:447] [“request failed, retry”] [err_code=KV:PD:Unknown] [err=“Other("[components/pd_client/src/client.rs:897]: get timestamp timeout")”]
[2023/08/29 13:22:06.901 +08:00] [ERROR] [util.rs:447] [“request failed, retry”] [err_code=KV:PD:Unknown] [err=“Other("[components/pd_client/src/client.rs:897]: get timestamp timeout")”]
[2023/08/29 13:22:06.916 +08:00] [WARN] [store.rs:986] [“[store 130077642] handle 11 pending peers include 10 ready, 0 entries, 0 messages and 0 snapshots”] [takes=3061]
[2023/08/29 13:25:25.437 +08:00] [WARN] [endpoint.rs:621] [error-response] [err=“Region error (will back off and retry) message: "peer is not leader for region 7709241, leader may Some(id: 7709242 store_id: 16)" not_leader { region_id: 7709241 leader { id: 7709242 store_id: 16 } }”]
[2023/08/29 13:25:25.439 +08:00] [WARN] [endpoint.rs:621] [error-response] [err=“Region error (will back off and retry) message: "peer is not leader for region 7709241, leader may Some(id: 7709242 store_id: 16)" not_leader { region_id: 7709241 leader { id: 7709242 store_id: 16 } }”]

My personal approach is to add a few more physical machines, expand all the nodes, and then decommission the existing nodes. I am not sure if this solution is feasible. Could the experts please help me see if there is a better and simpler way?

| username: 像风一样的男子 | Original post link

The simplest and most straightforward way is to scale out the nodes. You can shrink the KV nodes that are reporting errors. First, you can check why the errors are occurring.

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

You have 8 TiKV nodes on each machine…

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

Let’s check the result:

tikv-ctl --raftdb /var/lib/tikv/raft --db /var/lib/tikv/store/db raft region -r 33046699