Error "ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query" when deleting a large amount of data

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Original topic: 删除大量数据时报错"ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query"

| username: terry0219

[Test Environment] TiDB
[TiDB Version] 7.5
[Reproduction Path] After connecting to TiDB through the MySQL client, executing a delete to remove a large amount of data results in the error “ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query” after some time. What could be the reason?

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

Out of memory.

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

The official best practice for deletion is generally DELETE LIMIT 1000.

| username: yulei7633 | Original post link

The amount of data to be deleted is relatively large and exceeds TiDB’s memory limit: tidb_mem_quota_query.

| username: 最强王者 | Original post link

Is there a quick way to delete data? Deleting large amounts of data with limit is very slow.

| username: yulei7633 | Original post link

show variables like ‘%quota%’;
tidb_mem_quota_query====> The size of the cache occupied by each SQL

show variables like ‘%oom%’;
tidb_mem_oom_action | CANCEL | or LOG ===> Directly recorded in the log file

tidb_mem_oom_action====> If the cache size occupied by each SQL exceeds the tidb_mem_quota_query value,
and temporary disk is enabled, and the temporary disk has no space, this parameter controls whether to cancel or continue using

Enable temporary disk:
show variables like ‘tidb_enable_tmp_storage_on_oom’;
| tidb_enable_tmp_storage_on_oom | ON |

show config where name like ‘%tmp-storage-path%’;

show config where name like ‘%tmp-storage-quota%’;

| username: yulei7633 | Original post link

Two solutions:

  1. Use a script to delete in batches, deleting a certain amount of data each time.
  2. Modify the parameter values above.
| username: zhanggame1 | Original post link

First, try changing it to 8G:

set global tidb_mem_quota_query=8589934592;
| username: porpoiselxj | Original post link

No matter how large the memory is, there is always a risk of it crashing. It is recommended to control the data volume, delete in batches, control the transaction size, and reduce memory usage.

| username: TI表弟 | Original post link

It is recommended to add a limit when performing update and delete operations on large amounts of data, and also to set the memory threshold for OOM.

| username: 我是人间不清醒 | Original post link

You can batch delete excessive data by retaining the data and batching it to a new table -----> drop the old table ----------> then rename the new table. You can create a task through DataX to execute it periodically. We have a similar solution in production that you can refer to. Another method mentioned above is using the limit method. Also, consider the GC time and the tidb_mem_quota_query setting, depending on the actual hardware situation.

| username: dba远航 | Original post link

This is caused by the transaction being too large and taking too long. Change it to smaller transactions.

| username: wangccsy | Original post link

The service is down, right?

| username: 哈喽沃德 | Original post link

Try modifying the TiDB global parameter wait_timeout to increase the timeout duration.

| username: 像风一样的男子 | Original post link

Here is a script that can delete data on a large scale:

date1=$(date -d "1 day ago" +"%Y-%m-%d")
echo $date1
delete_db_sql="delete from xxxx a where a.xxxx < '2023-01-01 00:00:00' and a.xxxx = '2' limit 10000;"
echo $delete_db_sql

while ((++i)); do
    a=$(/bin/mysql -uroot -pxxxx -A soa_vehicle -hx.x.x.x -P 4000 --comments -e "${delete_db_sql}" -vvv | grep "Query OK" | awk '{print $3}')
    echo $a
    if (($a < 1)); then
        break 1
    sleep 1
    printf "%-4d" $((i))
| username: 小毛毛虫 | Original post link

In addition to the professional suggestions mentioned above, if the amount of data to be deleted accounts for the majority of the table and the business can accept it, you can choose to create a new empty table, migrate the data that needs to be retained to the new table, then drop the old table, and finally rename the new table to the old table’s name.

| username: 这里介绍不了我 | Original post link

No one deletes a large amount of data like this using delete; it’s usually done in batches with a script.

| username: 哈喽沃德 | Original post link

Definitely bookmarked.

| username: system | Original post link

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