Error Executing tiup dmctl Command

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 执行tiup dmctl命令报错

| username: Zhang_Zhi

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production Environment
【TiDB Version】v4.0.11
【DM Version】v2.0.1
【Encountered Problem】
Using the tiup dmctl command reports an error. For example:

tiup dmctl --help

fetch /832.dmctl.json from mirror( failed: url not found

When using the tiup dmctl command, it also reports an error:

Failed to start component dmctl
Error: fetch /832.dmctl.json from mirror( failed: url not found

However, executing other tiup commands works fine, such as:
tiup cluster display
tiup dm display

| username: sunzhaoyang | Original post link


| username: hey-hoho | Original post link

There is an issue with the online mirror source, and it is being fixed.

If you need to use it urgently, you can download the offline package and create a local mirror source to use.

| username: Zhang_Zhi | Original post link

Okay, waiting for the result.

| username: Zhang_Zhi | Original post link

Thank you for your hard work.

| username: sunzhaoyang | Original post link

Try again.

| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

There were network fluctuations from the mirror server to the vendor CDN, causing the component release to fail. The issue has been resolved, and the mirror has been restored. Please clean up and try again.

| username: Zhang_Zhi | Original post link

The following error occurred:

Failed to start component dmctl
Error: timestamp manifest has a version number < the old manifest (34458, 34477)

| username: Zhang_Zhi | Original post link

How should it be cleaned?

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

Delete the dm directory and then run tiup install dm.

| username: Zhang_Zhi | Original post link

Automatically recovered, thank you.

| username: Zhang_Zhi | Original post link

It has automatically recovered, thank you.

| username: system | Original post link

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