Error executing tiup dmctl

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 执行tiup dmctl 报错

| username: cheng

【TiDB Usage Environment】 Test environment
【TiDB Version】 v5.4.1
【Encountered Problem】
【Reproduction Path】
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】 Using DM to continuously replicate incremental data to TiDB, after configuring the source, an error occurs when executing tiup dmctl to load the data source configuration into the DM cluster.


| username: sunzhaoyang | Original post link

The previous error was a typo in “operate,” right?

| username: HACK | Original post link

Judging by the error message, it should either be a command error or a syntax error.

| username: cheng | Original post link

I followed the official documentation. Can you check where the problem might be?

| username: cheng | Original post link

:joy: The command that was copied should be the one that was deleted by mistake.

| username: system | Original post link

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