This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: ticdc 配置不同表分发到不同kafka主题报错
username: juecong
When starting TiCDC listening, a config parameter was added for distributing different topics. If there is no topic parameter in the configuration, it works fine. However, if a topic is added, an error occurs. The following configurations all result in errors:
dispatchers = [
{matcher = ['!jsk_data.jsk_ads_count*'], topic = "tidb-to-kafka-full", partition = "ts" },
{matcher = ['jsk_data.jsk_ads_count_*'], topic = "ads_count_data", partition = "ts" }
matcher = ['!jsk_data.jsk_ads_count_*']
dispatcher = 'ts'
topic = "tidb-to-kafka-full"
TiDB cluster version: v6.1.0
Command used:
tiup cdc cli changefeed create --pd= --sink-uri="kafka://" --changefeed-id="tidb-to-kafka-full" --sort-engine="unified" --config /home/sync-tidb-to-kafka.toml