This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: DM同步mysql的创建event报错,怎么跳过
Brothers, how can I skip the SQL for the event created by MySQL in TiDB?
This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: DM同步mysql的创建event报错,怎么跳过
Brothers, how can I skip the SQL for the event created by MySQL in TiDB?
Judging by the error, it seems to be a DDL syntax compatibility issue.
When I execute the creation of an event in MySQL:
CREATE EVENT my_event_del1
ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 MINUTE STARTS ‘2024-01-22 10:00:00’
TiDB does not support it and reports an error. How can I skip it?
I tried sql-skip but it didn’t work.
DM has a binlog event operation that can filter some operations.
Do you know how to find the configuration file? This was handed over by someone else. I couldn’t find the file with the filter rules. The DM version is 1.0.6. What should the file name be?
Check the DM configuration file to see if there are any binlog event-related configurations.
Can’t find the configuration file. Can this file be directly exported in DML? How to export it? I asked the previous DBA and he said it can be exported.
He is probably referring to this: 如何过滤 binlog 事件 | PingCAP 文档中心
I haven’t started this version 1.0.6. There were dozens before I took over. He mentioned export, but I checked and it seems like this feature is only available in the new version. The old version doesn’t have it.
Find a test environment to see if you can filter out MySQL events like this:
schema-pattern: "test_*"
table-pattern: "t_*"
events: ["all ddl"]
sql-pattern: ["^CREATE.*EVENT"]
action: Ignore
The filtering rules I found are written like this:
Is this the same?
I read the documentation and it says that version 1.0 is not supported. The error is related to the “parse statement” issue. SQL-skip is not supported.
Take a look at this
Data Migration DDL Special Handling Instructions | PingCAP Documentation Center
Here it is suggested that you can filter it out through rules.
It suggests modifying the filter rule file, but this is a very old filter rule file that cannot be found.
Do you mean you can’t find the task configuration file?
I remember you can use tiup dm edit-config
to edit the cluster online.
It seems that dmctl
can also be used to view it. You can check the official documentation for more details on this.
Version 1.0 was not installed using tiup. It was installed using ansible.