Error Reported When Starting TiDB 5.4.1 Cluster

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Original topic: tidb5.4.1集群启动报错

| username: TiDBer_5GvAkLi0

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production
【TiDB Version】5.4.1
【Encountered Problem】Error reported after executing the start command tiup cluster start tidb-test --init post cluster deployment

| username: xfworld | Original post link

Prioritize troubleshooting firewall and network connectivity issues.

| username: TiDBer_5GvAkLi0 | Original post link

Okay, thank you for the guidance. It was due to the firewall, and it has been resolved.

| username: Min_Chen | Original post link

Hello, has the issue been resolved? I see it has been resolved in Public Cloud TiDB Security Group Settings Issue.

| username: TiDBer_5GvAkLi0 | Original post link

Resolved, thank you.

| username: cs58_dba | Original post link

Generally, put a core production network segment, and disable the firewall and SELinux when creating the system image.

| username: system | Original post link

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