Error Reported When Using tiup cluster destroy v6.1.0

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Original topic: tiup cluster destroy v6.1.0报错

| username: tjdagang1

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production\Test Environment\POC
【TiDB Version】v6.1.0 cluster v1.10.2
【Encountered Issue】
【Reproduction Path】What operations were performed to cause the issue
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】
The mirror address is Creating a v6.1.0 cluster, tiup cluster destroy tidb v6.1.0 reports an error.
Switching to another mirror address, destroy works fine.

[tidb@mon ~]$ tiup mirror show
[tidb@mon ~]$ tiup cluster destroy tidb-new
tiup is checking updates for component cluster …
Starting component cluster: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cluster/v1.10.2/tiup-cluster /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cluster/v1.10.2/tiup-cluster destroy tidb-new

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This operation will destroy tidb v6.1.0 cluster tidb-new and its data.
Are you sure to continue?
(Type “Yes, I know my cluster and data will be deleted.” to continue)

Error: Operation aborted by user (with incorrect answer ‘’) (tui.operation_aborted)

| username: CuteRay | Original post link

Type “Yes, I know my cluster and data will be deleted.” to continue

| username: 边城元元 | Original post link

Yes, I know my cluster and data will be deleted.

| username: tjdagang1 | Original post link

I am still too ignorant. I said if Yes, Y, yes are all forced to exit. Thank you, teacher.
Teacher, do we have an official document explaining v6.1.0?

| username: system | Original post link

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